Discover the story of The Raising of Lazarus from
John 11:1-44 in a new and immersive way with this LEGO animation that retells the incredible story of Jesus raising his friend from the dead.
So the sisters sent word to Jesus, “Lord, the one you love is sick.” When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
John 11:3-4
“Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
John 11:21-23
You are welcome to download this video in HD to show in school assemblies, classes, services and / or for personal / family use.
Faigh dol a-steach domhain agus ùr dhan chosamhlachd ‘Beòthachadh Làsarais’ bho Eòin 11:1-44 leis a’ bheò-dhealbhadh LEGO seo a bheir thu air cuairt an fhir-siubhail agus a sheallas dhut carson a dh’innis Iosa an sgeulachd dhan t-sluagh.
Mar sin chuir na peathraichean fios thuige, ag ràdh, “A Thighearna, tha an neach as gràdhach leat tinn.”
Eòin 11:3-4
Thuirt Marta ri Ìosa, “A Thighearna, nan robh thusa air a bhith an seo, cha robh mo bhràthair air bàsachadh. Ach fiù ‘s an‑dràsta tha fios agam, ge b’ e dè na rudan a dh’iarras tu air Dia, gun toir Dia dhut iad.” Thuirt Ìosa rithe, “Èiridh do bhràthair a‑rithist.”
Eòin 11:21-23
Faodaidh tu a’ bhidio seo a luchdachadh sìos ann an HD gus a shealltainn anns na seirbheisean agad (gu pearsanta no air-loidhne), co-chruinneachaidhean, clasaichean, no airson cleachdadh pearsanta / teaghlaich.
We’ve created a LEGO tomb that you can build at home, at school or in your children’s groups. To build this set we’ve chosen regular bricks that children might have at home.
Chruthaich sinn tuama LEGO a dh’fhaodas sibh a thogail aig an taigh, anns an sgoil no nur buidhnean-chloinne. Airson an seat seo a thogail, thagh sinn breigichean àbhaisteach a dh’fhaodas a bhith aig clann aig an taigh.
Here’s some accompanying teacher’s notes to help teachers incorporate this video within a lesson or school assembly.
Seo cuid de na notaichean tidseir le duilleagan-obrach sgoilearan nan cois gus tidsearan a chuideachadh gus a’ bhidio seo a thoirt a-steach do leasan no co-chruinneachadh sgoile.
Here’s some accompanying teacher’s notes to help teachers incorporate this parable video within a lesson or school assembly.
Tha notaichean tidseir an cois seo gus cuideachadh le tidsearan a’ bhidio den chosamhlachd a chleachdadh ann an lùib leasan no seanadh-sgoile.