A história da Páscoa em Lego

Descubra a história bíblica da Páscoa por meio deste filme de animação em stop motion/Brickfilm com LEGO, desde o Domingo de Ramos, até a Paixão, terminando com a Ressurreição de Jesus, no Domingo de Páscoa.


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Ministry use licence


Descubra a história bíblica da Páscoa por meio deste filme de animação em stop motion/Brickfilm com LEGO, desde o Domingo de Ramos, até a Paixão, terminando com a Ressurreição de Jesus, no Domingo de Páscoa. Disponível para download para mostrar em seus cultos, trabalhos com crianças e jovens, ou em aulas e assembleias.

Esta história de Páscoa contada em Lego foi uma colaboração entre a equipe da Go Chatter Vídeos e Joshua Whitehouse, um artista de stop-motion e entusiasta do Lego.

Agradecimento especial à IELBcom e à Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil http://www.ielb.org.br por sua ajuda na viabilização da tradução e dublagem em português deste vídeo.

A Go Chatter está localizada no Reino Unido e equipa os ministérios cristãos com conteúdo em vídeo de qualidade para que as pessoas falem sobre Jesus.


Set Design & Animation by Joshua Whitehouse

Joshua Whitehouse (aka LegoMonkey) lives in South Africa. Originally from Surrey, UK, he has loved LEGO his whole life, and is a huge fan of stop-motion. In his free time he loves cycling around the mountains he lives on, and playing video games.

Edited by Dan Rackham

Dan Rackham has been creating evangelistic videos online for 5 years, his videos have been watched just over 4 million times. Previously Dan served as an evangelist and community worker at a church in Liverpool and before that worked in Corporate Banking at RBS.

Voice-over Damaris Feld
Produced by Go Chatter

Go Chatter has created a number of evangelistic videos linked to current events or trending topics, videos with a seasonal emphasis and others that feature someone’s life-story.

Licence Agreement

Ministry use licence

By purchasing this video, you are purchasing a license to use and show this video as part of your ministry in ONE church.

You are granted permission to use the video in:

1) Offline services, school assemblies or lessons, groups or at events (including youth, kids and midweek groups and events)

2) Online services or assemblies that are streamed or pre-recorded. (For online services, the content video you have purchased should be part of a complete church service which must be at least 20 minutes long.)

3) Online small groups meeting over Zoom or a similar video call platforms.

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