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Teacher's notes

Here’s some accompanying teacher’s notes to help teachers incorporate this parable video within a lesson or school assembly.

Notaichean an neach-teagaisg

Tha notaichean tidseir an cois seo gus cuideachadh le tidsearan a’ bhidio den chosamhlachd a chleachdadh ann an lùib leasan no seanadh-sgoile.

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Thank you for your interest!

Thank you for your interest in the Scottish and Gaelic videos!

These are currently being piloted and will be available to the general public soon.
If you would like to be informed directly when they’re available, please email us at:

Here's what else you have to look forward to:

Teacher's notes

Here’s some accompanying teacher’s notes to help teachers incorporate this parable video within a lesson or school assembly.

Notaichean an neach-teagaisg

Tha notaichean tidseir an cois seo gus cuideachadh le tidsearan a’ bhidio den chosamhlachd a chleachdadh ann an lùib leasan no seanadh-sgoile.