The Christmas Promise of a new, rescuing and forever king! Delightful pop-up book animation adapted from The Good Book Company's The Christmas Promise to bring the first Christmas alive for families.
Delightful pop-up book animation adapted from The Good Book Company's The Christmas Promise to bring the first Christmas alive for families. British Sign Language Version.
The Christmas Promise is of a new, rescuing and forever king! Delightful pop-up book animation, featuring subtitles, that brings the first Christmas alive for families.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of 'While shepherds watched their flocks by night'! British Sign Language Version.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of 'While shepherds watched their flocks by night'! Subtitled Version.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of 'While shepherds watched their flocks by night'!