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Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 12

Romulus Ratus learns Paul's secret to being content, even when things go well for others or even when they don't go well for you. With Jesus' help, we can be happy with what we have, rather than envying others and grumbling.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 11

Instead of being united, Romulus Ratus and Epaphorditus argue about missing apple pies! Instead of worrying, we can rejoice and take all our worries to him in prayer.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 10

Postman Petros is a Roman citizen and he wants to return to his people and his family. In the same way, Christians are citizens of heaven and they belong to God's family. One day they will all be united together!

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 9

Postman Petros knows that he doesn't need to be the strongest or cleverest or fastest or bravest. Living for Jesus is about putting him and other Christians first, and he is willing to risk his life for Jesus.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 8

Aside from having good table manners, Epaphroditus lives for Jesus in all he does and honours God with how he treats people. That means he's a godly example for the Philippians Christians, just like Paul says in his letter.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 7

Postman Petros and Philippa help Romulus Ratus understand that Jesus wants us to shine like stars not because life is all about 'ME', but so he gets the glory! Grumbling puts 'ME' first, not Jesus.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 6

After Epaphroditus gets stuck in a cave, instead of being selfish Romulus Ratus goes back to rescue him! Knowing Jesus should change the way we live, because we can follow his example of putting others first.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 5

Postman Petros and Romulus Ratus meet Epaphoroditus, a Christian who can show them the way to Phil and Philippa's house, and is very excited to read Paul's letter!

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 4

Postman Petros is beginning to despair that he will ever escape prison, but Romulus Ratus reminds him what Paul's priorities were. Paul's life was all about Jesus and telling others about him.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 3

Postman Petros is stuck in prison after being chased by the Roman guards! Take a closer look at Paul's letter - instead of being discouraged that he was locked up, Paul used the opportunity to tell the guards and prisoners about Jesus!

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 2

Postman Petros feels like giving up on his mission to deliver Paul's letter to the Philippians Christians. But Romulus Ratus knows where to look for encouragement - at the letter Postman Petros has from Paul!

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 1

Meet Postman Petros and Romulus Ratus! Postman Pete has just arrived in Philippi to deliver a letter from Paul. Paul is in prison in Rome, so he should be sad but he is full of joy. Discover why...

8 Ways Jesus Treated Women

...and 8 ways we can do the same. In this 1 minute sound bite, Dan Marks takes us through 8 ways Jesus treated women by empowering, celebrating, protecting, honouring, respecting, valuing, teaching and confiding in them.