Someone is Coming this Christmas, trace the reason for Jesus’s birth from the very start of history through the long wait for God’s rescuer. British Sign Language Version.
Someone is Coming this Christmas, trace the reason for Jesus’s birth from the very start of history through the long wait for God’s rescuer. Subtitled Version.
The Christmas story is about God sending his Son, Immanuel, to be 'God with us'. Jesus endured separation from his Father to offer us salvation from eternal isolation, as well as honesty and openness with God now.
What makes Christmas a truly happy or merry time? What and why do we celebrate? Unpack three names given to the baby in the manger: "Christ", "Jesus" and "Immanuel" meaning 'God with us'. Merry Christmas!
Discover what it means for Jesus, God’s Son, to be the YES to all God’s plans and promises, in his birth, life, death and resurrection as king.