The Exodus series from Video Bible Talks is a six-video series of talks from the Old Testament Bible book of Exodus. This series takes us through the entire book of Exodus, with discussion questions to consider individually, or use as a part of your small group conversations.
In this sixth and final video, we look at Exodus 33-40. In this section of the book, God describes to Moses His plan for the Tabernacle, a place where He can dwell among His people.
In this fifth video, we look at Exodus 32 and see how even though God’s people had been rescued from slavery in Egypt, they were still slaves to sin in their hearts.
In this fourth video, we look at Exodus 18-31 and see how the new life God gives means living right with God and living right with other people. This new life is how life works best, and it is the life we get to live because of what the LORD has done for us.
This first video explores Exodus 1-4, when God’s people were slaves in Egypt. They had forgotten the LORD as their God, but God promised to rescue them from slavery and restore their relationship with him as their God.