The Christmas story is about God sending his Son, Immanuel, to be 'God with us'. Jesus endured separation from his Father to offer us salvation from eternal isolation, as well as honesty and openness with God now.
In this third video, we look at Exodus 12-17 and see how God is the LORD who makes a way where there is no other way, keeping us safe from our enemies and even making a way through death itself.
How generous is God? Watch "Essentials 4: Relationship" to find out exactly what God offers us if we decide to follow him...
The only ‘pass’ we’ll ever need, the best freedom on offer and a joy that isn’t dependent on performance or success: a spoken word letter to students.
What could be more extravagant, more incredible than the wonder of nature that we see around us on Planet Earth?
Spoken word Christian video: “Love her brother like you are the eternal lover who turned heaven and earth upside down to find us.”