How long, Lord?

A spoken word lament that honestly unpacks the rawness of grief and suffering, and then points to God who holds our fragile hearts, strengthens our stumbling faith and who died so we can live in hope now of an eternally perfect future.


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A moving spoken word lament

This spoken word lament honestly unpacks the rawness of grief and suffering, and doesn't hold back describing the relentless battle to keep going and the exhaustion of drained emotions. How long, Lord, will this continue?

But for the Christian, suffering is not the final word. Even in the face of seemingly eternal darkness, we can cling to the God who holds our fragile hearts, who strengthens our stumbling faith and whose words remind us of who he is and who he has made us to be.

We have a God who died so we could live in hope now and look forward to an eternally perfect future. How long, Lord, before you restore us?

Possible Discussion Questions

  • What truths about God do you need reminding of right now? How do they apply specifically to your circumstances?
  • Do you feel able to pray an honest, raw prayer like this to God? Is there anything holding you back?

Related Bible Reference

  • Psalm 13



Produced by EmanateTV

EmanateTV creates weekly content that inspires us to love boldly and live generously. Wanting to share their faith and how Jesus gives the resources to do this.

Filmed and Edited by Dan Mark

Dan is the founder and director of EmanateTV creating videos that both engaging and thought-provoking. Based in the UK he looks to reach out to encourage and embolden peoples faith in Jesus.

Licence Agreement

Ministry use licence

By purchasing this video, you are purchasing a license to use and show this video as part of your ministry in ONE church.

You are granted permission to use the video in:

1) Offline services, school assemblies or lessons, groups or at events (including youth, kids and midweek groups and events)

2) Online services or assemblies that are streamed or pre-recorded. (For online services, the content video you have purchased should be part of a complete church service which must be at least 20 minutes long.)

3) Online small groups meeting over Zoom or a similar video call platforms.

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