Meet the Nativity, Episode 1 – A time-travelling romantic comedy in which 21st and 1st century Christmases magically collide.
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Meet the Nativity is a time-travelling romantic comedy in which 21st and 1st century Christmases magically collide.
Episode 1 introduces our hero: Will. He is our everyman. He’s desperate to belong, but he can never gain the acceptance into a loving community that he craves. His charms fall short and his efforts are wasted.
For Will, the change comes when he encounters the nativity. Though he is the most ridiculous outsider he is instantly welcomed in. Though he has nothing, he is given everything. In fact, because he has nothing, his empty hands are the perfect resting place for Jesus.
Meet the Nativity is based on an old apocryphal tale — that of the shepherd who shows up to the nativity gift-less. He feels his lack keenly. He is outshone by the opulent presents of the wise men. Dejected, he is about to leave when he notices that there’s a problem. Joseph has his arms full of gold and frankincense. The third wise man wants to give Mary the myrrh, but her hands are full with her precious firstborn. She needs to offload the baby. Who is fit to receive Jesus? Wonderfully, she moves towards the empty-handed outsider. Precisely because he is empty, he is filled. With nothing to bring he instead receives Christ, the true Christmas gift.
Isaiah 9:6 says “To us a child is born, to us a son is given.” This present is offered to “a people walking in darkness” (Isaiah 9:2). To those who have nothing — and who know that they have nothing — Christ becomes their everything.
You may feel that you don’t belong, whether in earthly families or in God’s family. Christmas is God’s welcome. God the Son became God our brother to bring us home. We bring nothing to the table. Our offerings are as ridiculous as a mince pie wrapper. Worse, we bring sin and selfishness. But that’s why he came. And in return he offers himself.
This Christmas bring your emptiness and receive God’s fullness. Here is a family where anyone can belong.
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