Download Tag: Christianity

Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

If Jesus didn't really rise from the dead, Christianity is both irrelevant and a waste of time. But if Jesus did rise from the dead, that changes everything. There is so much more than this life and then death!

Essentials Series Bundle

Throughout this series of 5 videos, Lee McMunn explains that to know the truth we need God to engage us in conversation. Lee looks at what Jesus says about God in the Bible and explores what it means to have a relationship with Him. 

2022 Winter Olympics

As we watch international athletes perform and compete in over 100 events at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, what can the Bible teach us about performance? About where we fall short, and about the only one who was ever 'good enough'?

Essentials 2: Reject

What does Jesus think about our spiritual condition? What are the consequences? Discover the answers in this short video: Essentials 2: Reject.

The Best Invitation Ever

What's the best invitation you've ever received? Watch "Essentials" to find out the amazing invitation that God is offering you today...

Life According to Jesus in 321

Have you ever wondered what Jesus makes of the big issues: God, the World, and You? Watch "Life According to Jesus in 3,2,1" to find out!

Essentials 5: Response

When do I know enough about Jesus to become a Christian? How do I become a Christian? Find out by watching "Essentials 5: Response".

Essentials 4: Relationship

How generous is God? Watch "Essentials 4: Relationship" to find out exactly what God offers us if we decide to follow him...

Essentials 3: Rescue

What's the biggest danger you face today? Watch “Essentials 3: Rescue” to find out what God says it is, and why there's also amazing news.

Essentials 1: Reveal

Discover the life-changing truth that God has engaged us in conversation! Watch “Essentials 1: Reveal” to find out more...

Adam’s Story of Satisfaction

Short Christian testimony video about how a satisfying relationship with God makes all the difference, both now and in the life to come.