A short spoken word animation sharing the gospel through the story of Chariots of Fire.* Accompanying Sports Mission Pack available from Christians in Sports. See details below.
An eight-minute talk from evangelist Graham Daniels, exploring how Eric Liddell's faith in God transformed his view of sport.* Accompanying Sports Mission Pack available from Christians in Sports. See details below.
The 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo bring together athletes from different ages, classes, race and countries. Sport gives us a wonderful picture of running the race of the Christian life alongside Jesus and knowing he has already secured our victory.
A Christians In Sport video investigating the claim of Matthew's Gospel. Is he really King of all? Will we make way for him?
A powerful video by Christians in Sport with interviews from Garin Jenkins, Jonathan Webb and Ann O'Flynn.
Who are you playing for? Have you ever wondered if there's a better way to play? "Born to Play" suggests a way to raise your game.
Animated Christian video made by Christians in Sport. How can we use our talents and gifts in sport for good - to worship God?
Short Christian video - Adam Pengilly's story of disappointment at the Winter Olympics and how his Christian faith helped him get through it.
A powerful video by Christians in Sport with interviews from Debbie Flood, Linvoy Primus and Garin Jenkins.
The World Cup is always an epic occasion, full of amazing moments. But what is the greatest event of all time?
Coaches inspire, Jesus does more than inspire. Watch "Life to the Full" to find out about the amazing offer Jesus is making to you!
Imagine the events surrounding Good Friday unfolded today... What would the online reaction be? This short film was a Jerusalem Awards finalist.
A powerful video by Christians in Sport exploring the message of Luke 19:10. Who did Jesus come for? A great gospel explanation for the sporty.
Jesus’ birth is both the original starting line and the finishing line. Instead of striving for human glory, Jesus asks us to follow him instead.