Engaging Christian video explores the Easter story. What is life, what kind of tale? Comedy or tragic? Is Easter the true comedy?
Lazarus is dead. Jesus wasn't there. Watch "If you had been here" to discover what Jesus can possibly have to offer his bereaved sister?
For many, Christmas will be a hard time, full of loneliness, homelessness or loss. But that first Christmas, Jesus came to bring light to those dark places.
Is God a giant Father Christmas? A moralistic dispenser of stuff - someone who's watching and waiting to spot our mistakes? Or is there something more to him?
Kids in costumes and candle-lit pumpkins... this video by Glen Scrivener takes a closer look at the origin and message of All Hallows Eve!
"The pressing question./What can halt inborn aggression?". If war is to cease, our hearts have to change. Find out how, watch "To End All Wars".
Have you ever wondered what Jesus makes of the big issues: God, the World, and You? Watch "Life According to Jesus in 3,2,1" to find out!
Meet the Nativity, Episode 1 - A time-travelling romantic comedy in which 21st and 1st century Christmases magically collide.
It's the ultimate question and the biggest mystery: what happened in the beginning? This thought-provoking Christian video explores some answers.
We were all born to die, is there really no escape? God doesn’t let down a rescue-rope, he sends a cannonball! Watch to find out more.
A funny thing happened on the way to Jerusalem... Watch this video for Easter themed stand-up poetry about the comedy behind Easter.
This spoken word poem unpacks the sad humour and irony in Jesus' execution.
Spoken word video from Speak Life about the humour and irony surrounding Jesus' resurrection.
Are you a Scrooge, a Shopper, a Santa... or a Stable-visitor? Dig a little deeper this Christmas, and return to the stable to discover the real meaning of the manger in the mess.