Download Tag: Last Supper

Divine Comedy

Engaging Christian video explores the Easter story. What is life, what kind of tale? Comedy or tragic? Is Easter the true comedy?

I’m Full cos it was Empty

When it boils down to it - Easter is central to the Christian faith. Who would have thought that a weekend would have been so key to the fate of humanity? The reality is we can find fullness and full-on forgiveness because Jesus rose from the tomb.

The Last Supper

In the fourth episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', Jesus gives his friends a special meal to remember him by: bread and wine to show his death on the cross to save us from our sins.

Easter: What’s it all about?

What is Easter all about? Chocolate eggs and bunnies or a cross and an empty tomb? Find out what the people of Preston said in this video...

Good Friday: Live!

Imagine the events surrounding Good Friday unfolded today... What would the online reaction be? This short film was a Jerusalem Awards finalist.

The Super Cool Story of Jesus

A beautifully animated video showing the amazing things that Jesus said and did to show how God loves us.

The Seriously Surprising Story

Follow in the footsteps of Jesus’ followers as they get talking to someone who gives them the biggest surprise of all! Jesus' surprising story.

Dr Max Finds The Facts

Quirky Dr Max loves facts. Surely one fact is certain - no one beats death. Or is it?

On The Way To Jerusalem

A funny thing happened on the way to Jerusalem... Watch this video for Easter themed stand-up poetry about the comedy behind Easter.

On The Way To The Execution

This spoken word poem unpacks the sad humour and irony in Jesus' execution.

On The Way To The Tomb

Spoken word video from Speak Life about the humour and irony surrounding Jesus' resurrection.