Download Tag: Messiah

God With Us

What makes Christmas a truly happy or merry time? What and why do we celebrate? Unpack three names given to the baby in the manger: "Christ", "Jesus" and "Immanuel" meaning 'God with us'. Merry Christmas!

“Who do you say I am?”

In the third episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', Jesus asks his followers, "who do you say I am?" Peter answers 'the Messiah', which means God's special king. How would you answer Jesus' question?

On The Way To Jerusalem

A funny thing happened on the way to Jerusalem... Watch this video for Easter themed stand-up poetry about the comedy behind Easter.


Jesus didn’t just enter the mess of a downstairs room with a feeding trough, he entered the mess of our world too as the Messi.a.h. who would change everything.