The Story of Pentecost

Creative all-age retelling of Acts 2:1-41 for Pentecost Sunday with dramatic sound effects and engaging narration.


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Ministry use licence


Creative re-telling of Acts 2:1-41 for Pentecost Sunday

Creative all-age video that re-tells the story of Pentecost, by paraphrasing Acts 2:1-41, and connecting the story of Pentecost 2,000 years ago with churches today. Trace God's hand at work through Pentecost and the start of the early church in Acts, to the church you're sitting in today and be encouraged that you aren't alone.

Atmospheric sound effects and an engaging narration make this video accessible for all ages, either as a service introduction or feature for Pentecost Sunday.

Possible Discussion Question

  • The disciples went from scared to boldly sharing the gospel! What encourages you about the story of Pentecost?
  • Can you think of some ways God has kept your church going?

Related Bible Reference

  • Acts 2:1-41



Produced by Go Chatter

Go Chatter has created a number of evangelistic videos linked to current events or trending topics, videos with a seasonal emphasis and others that feature someone’s life-story.

Filmed and edited by Polly Standring

Polly Standring writes, films and edits faithful, relevant and quality videos for Go Chatter, and connects with Christian content-creators and churches. She loves being a Londoner, most outdoor sports and looking after her many plants.​

Licence Agreement

Social media licence

Permission has been granted by the content-creator to upload this video unedited directly to your personal or church’s social media. The social media license is an additional license that some videos have as some content creators have allowed some of their videos to be uploaded by churches to their social media channels.

Ministry use licence

By purchasing this video, you are purchasing a license to use and show this video as part of your ministry in ONE church.

You are granted permission to use the video in:

1) Offline services, school assemblies or lessons, groups or at events (including youth, kids and midweek groups and events)

2) Online services or assemblies that are streamed or pre-recorded. (For online services, the content video you have purchased should be part of a complete church service which must be at least 20 minutes long.)

3) Online small groups meeting over Zoom or a similar video call platforms.

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