Sgeul nan Nollaig tro Lego
The Lego Christmas Story

Tiodhlac, an asgaidh do chloinn na h-Alba bho Eaglais na h-Alba

A gift for the children of Scotland from the Church of Scotland

Bhidio Nollaig LEGO blàth-chridheach airson a h-uile pàiste ann an Alba!

Sgeul na Nollaige mar nach fhaca tu a-riamh i. Innsidh LEGO an sgeulachd fhad ‘s a tha thu a’deanamh gairdeachas aig breith mìorbhuileach Ìosa agus an dòchas a tha e a-toirt don h-uile duine sa choimhearsnachd againn.

Agus thubhairt an t‑aingeal riu, Na biodh eagal oirbh: oir feuch, tha mi ag innse dhuibh deagh sgeul mòr-aoibhneis, a bhios don uile shluagh: Oir rugadh dhuibh an‑diugh Slànaighear, ann am baile Dhaibhidh, neach as e Crìosd an Tighearna.’,
Lcs 2:10-11

‘Oir rugadh dhuinne duine-cloinne, thugadh dhuinne mac; agus bidh an uachdaranachd air a ghualainn; agus goirear mar ainm dheth, Iongantach, Comhairliche, an Dia cumhachdach, an t‑Athair sìorraidh, Prionnsa na sìthe.’,
Isa 9:6

Play Video

Faodaidh tu a’ bhidio seo a luchdachadh sìos ann an HD gus a shealltainn anns na seirbheisean agad (gu pearsanta no air-loidhne), co-chruinneachaidhean, clasaichean, no airson cleachdadh pearsanta / teaghlaich.

Heart-warming LEGO Christmas video for every child in Scotland !

The Christmas story as you’ve never seen it before. Let LEGO tell the tale as you celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus and the hope that He brings for everyone in your community.

“I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”
Luke 2:10-11

For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Play Video

You are welcome to download this video in HD to show in your services (in-person or online), assemblies, classes, or for personal/family use.

Tog stàball nan Nollaig agad fhèin!

Build your own Christmas stable!

Chruthaich sinn stàball LEGO a dh’fhaodas tu a thogal aig an taigh, anns an sgoil no ann am buidheann chloinne. Airson seo a thogal thagh sinn pìosan cumanta a bhitheas aig a’ chlann aig an taigh.

Chruthaich sinn stàball LEGO a dh’fhaodas tu a thogal aig an taigh, anns an sgoil no ann am buidheann chloinne. Airson seo a thogal thagh sinn pìosan cumanta a bhitheas aig a’ chlann aig an taigh.

We’ve created a LEGO stable that you can build at home, at school or in your children’s groups. To build this set we’ve chosen regular bricks that children might have at home.

We’ve created a LEGO stable that you can build at home, at school or in your children’s groups. To build this set we’ve chosen regular bricks that children might have at home.

Notaichean an neach-teagaisg

Seo cuid de na notaichean tidseir le duilleagan-obrach sgoilearan nan cois gus tidsearan a chuideachadh gus a’ bhidio Càisge seo a thoirt a-steach do leasan no co-chruinneachadh sgoile.

Teacher's notes

Here’s some accompanying teacher’s notes to help teachers incorporate this Easter video within a lesson or school assembly.