Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.
Both God and cancel culture take wrong things said or done seriously. But where cancel culture leaves no room for mistakes, repentance, forgiveness or grace, God does.
Is there something more to greatness than what the celebrities, actors, athletes and politicians of this world tell us? Listen to what Jesus, the greatest one ever, said about true greatness.
Like Euro 2020, the Christian story is also one of great expectations and hope of a great victory. But when Jesus arrived, he wasn't the winner everyone expected. Was there more to the cross than defeat?
Where is your God? - here's an answer to this familiar question through a contemporary reflection on Psalm 42's repeated refrain.
This video explains how the incredible love story of Beauty and the Beast echoes another, a far greater love story; one that is not only true but also involves us all.
This short evangelistic video explores themes of salvation through sacrifice in Avengers Infinity War, comparing it with the salvation of Jesus.
The World Cup is always an epic occasion, full of amazing moments. But what is the greatest event of all time?
We see it many times - a hero giving themselves for others, and it resonates with us. Why? Is it to do with the greatest story ever told?
Children love "Beauty and the Beast", but what happens if Beast dies, is that a good ending? And what about us? Can we have a good ending?
Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.
What could be more extravagant, more incredible than the wonder of nature that we see around us on Planet Earth?
It’s one of many well-loved traditions surrounding the FA Cup: thousands sing “Abide with me” before each final… but what do the words mean?
Watch "Plan as Old as Time": the song that celebrates the oldest love story the world has ever known: that between God and humanity.
In 2019, the world asked "What?" more than ever. We search the internet for answers to our biggest questions. What can save us?
Watch this review of 2017. A year dominated by fake news and broken political promises has left many longing for truth. Where can we find truth?
Loss, success, division, achievement: see this montage of the highs and lows of the drama of 2016 and consider where do you place your hope?