EURO 2020

Like Euro 2020, the Christian story is also one of great expectations and hope of a great victory. But when Jesus arrived, he wasn’t the winner everyone expected. Was there more to the cross than defeat?


Social media licence

Ministry use licence


What does football have to do with the gospel?

After waiting a year for Euro 2020, the hype is building. Who will make it to the final? Who will win?

The Christian story is also one of great expectations and hope of a great victory that would last forever, rather than just 4 years. But when Jesus finally arrived, there was no hype.

He wasn't the winner everyone expected, and eventually he became the loser everyone rejected. But why would the promised ultimate champion chose to die?

Is there more to the cross than defeat?

Possible Discussion Questions 

  • What do you think of Jesus' invitation? Nothing especially exciting, unfair or too good to be true?
  • How will you respond? Be specific and practical!

Related Bible Reference 

  • Isaiah 9:6
  • 1 Corinthians 15:57


Produced by Polly Standring

Polly Standring writes, films and edits faithful, relevant and quality videos for Go Chatter, and connects with Christian content-creators and churches. She loves being a Londoner, most outdoor sports and looking after her many plants.​

Licence Agreement

Social media licence

Permission has been granted by the content-creator to upload this video unedited directly to your personal or church’s social media. The social media license is an additional license that some videos have as some content creators have allowed some of their videos to be uploaded by churches to their social media channels.

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By purchasing this video, you are purchasing a license to use and show this video as part of your ministry in ONE church.

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1) Offline services, school assemblies or lessons, groups or at events (including youth, kids and midweek groups and events)

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