For many, Christmas will be a hard time, full of loneliness, homelessness or loss. But that first Christmas, Jesus came to bring light to those dark places.
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For many people, Christmas will be a hard time
Sadly for many, Christmas will be a hard time: maybe one of loneliness, homelessness or loss.
Amidst these dark places, the good news of Christmas brings great hope. In this spoken word poem, Glen Scrivener reminds us that the first Christmas took place in dark times.
He retells the events of Jesus' birth, 'a bolt from the blue for the broken, our dismal, abysmal depths he plumbs.' And how by becoming what we are, by bearing our failures Jesus brought us real life so that real Christmas can shine in the darkest of places.
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Glen Scrivener is originally from Australia and has lived in the UK for more than half his life. He started as curate at All Soul’s Church, Eastbourne, where he and his family still worship. Currently he is the Director of Speak Life based in Eastbourne trying to spread the gospel through missions and online presence.
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