Habakkuk Episode 3: Faith Restored

In the final video of this series, see how Habakkuk responds by praising God, demonstrating how much God can impact our lives.

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03 | Faith Restored

The Habakkuk series from Video Bible Talks is a three-video series of Bible teaching videos from the Old Testament book of Habakkuk. The series takes a look at the words of Habakkuk the prophet when he cried out to God as he saw all the trouble and wickedness around him.

In this third video, we take a look at Habakkuk 3:1-19 and how Habakkuk responds to God in praise. The book of Habakkuk starts with the prophet in deep distress… and it closes with him praising God. Yet, it isn’t God that changed… it was Habakkuk. By bringing his questions to God, listening carefully to God’s word, and remembering who God is and what he is like, Habakkuk’s perspective on God had changed and his faith in him was restored.

Related Bible References

Habakkuk 3:1-19




Produced by Video Bible Talks

Video Bible Talks is an expository Bible ministry designed to equip, resource and support churches with teaching content for a wide variety of contexts, and is available free of charge.

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Permission has been granted by the content-creator to upload this video unedited directly to your personal or church’s social media. The social media license is an additional license that some videos have as some content creators have allowed some of their videos to be uploaded by churches to their social media channels.

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