Jesus came to find and save lost sinners, like Zacchaeus, and welcome them into God's family. How amazing that Jesus wants to be friends with sinners!
One day, Jesus will throw the greatest party ever in heaven and it will be full of surprising guests, just like his parable. Jesus invites us, 'come on in to my party!' Will you say yes to Jesus' invitation?
Two friends from Jerusalem had dinner with a mysterious man, who did something very familiar. When Jesus broke the bread, they recognised him for who he was!
Jesus and the disciples ate bread and drank wine to remember Jesus as the Lamb who died on the cross and took our punishment. Today, we call this meal the Lord's Supper or Communion to remember Jesus and look forward to our meal with Jesus in heaven!
Jesus went to a party where everyone thought they should have the best seat, so he told a story to show that following God is about loving him and putting others first.
When Jesus came for a meal, Martha rushed around cooking and cleaning - but Mary stopped everything to listen. Which sister did the right thing? Why is listening to Jesus so important?
Hungry people needed feeding and sick people needed healing! Jesus did something only God could do: he fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish and there were 12 baskets of leftovers!
Our hunger for love, significance, and happiness is a universal human experience. How can you live life to the full?