Hope Poem

Infinitely more powerful than our wishes and dreams, God’s hope welcomes outsiders in and provides a secure foundation for weary souls.


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God’s hope can awaken a despairing and broken heart and world.

Moving spoken word that unpacks our certain hope in God. Infinitely more powerful than our wishes and dreams, God’s hope welcomes outsiders in and provides a secure foundation for weary souls.

As we prepare to exit lockdown, we can look forward to the hope of slowly returning to ‘normality’, but also the greater hope of a redeemed and renewed world at the end of time, made certain by Jesus’ resurrection.

The additional video below to use for an ice-breaker, discussion starter or event introduction.

Possible Discussion Questions

  • How is hope in God different to other things we might hope in or for?
  • How does hope in God affect your day-to-day?

Related Bible Reference

  • Ephesians 1:18
  • Hebrews 10:23



Produced by The Presence Project

The Presence Project weaves together music, film, poetry and photography to deepen people’s connection to God.

Written by Chris Matthews

Licence Agreement

Ministry use licence

By purchasing this video, you are purchasing a license to use and show this video as part of your ministry in ONE church.

You are granted permission to use the video in:

1) Offline services, school assemblies or lessons, groups or at events (including youth, kids and midweek groups and events)

2) Online services or assemblies that are streamed or pre-recorded. (For online services, the content video you have purchased should be part of a complete church service which must be at least 20 minutes long.)

3) Online small groups meeting over Zoom or a similar video call platforms.

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