Life According to Jesus in 321

Have you ever wondered what Jesus makes of the big issues: God, the World, and You? Watch “Life According to Jesus in 3,2,1” to find out!

Ministry use licence


Have you ever wondered what Jesus makes of the big issues: God; the World; and You?

Here's life according to Jesus in 3, 2, 1… This short animation explains who Jesus is and how he sees the world and your place in it. 3 is for the persons in the God-head, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who created the world and all that is in it. 2 describes the two figureheads of humanity to whom we can choose to belong: Adam, whose sin led to death, or Jesus, whose sinless death leads to life. 1 speaks of the life we are offered, united to Jesus if we accept his offer of salvation. The final question is, what do you make of all of this?

Possible Discussion Questions

  • What do 3, 2 and 1 stand for?
  • Does Jesus's vision of life make sense to you?

Related Bible Reference

  • John 3:16


Presented by Speak Life

Speak Life prayerfully preach the gospel, train Christians in evangelism and resource the church for its mission to the world. Speak Life produce video resources, and a regular podcast that help Christians to engage on key topics.

Presented by Glen Scrivener
Animated by Jeremy Poyner

Licence Agreement

Ministry use licence

By purchasing this video, you are purchasing a license to use and show this video as part of your ministry in ONE church.

You are granted permission to use the video in:

1) Offline services, school assemblies or lessons, groups or at events (including youth, kids and midweek groups and events)

2) Online services or assemblies that are streamed or pre-recorded. (For online services, the content video you have purchased should be part of a complete church service which must be at least 20 minutes long.)

3) Online small groups meeting over Zoom or a similar video call platforms.

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