Hope for a Hopeless World

Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certainty of the hope God offers in Jesus. How hopeful are you feeling?


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Ministry use licence


Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certain hope God offers in Jesus.

The last year has seen us battle Covid-19, recession, poverty, racism, global warming, disease and corruption. And then there’s our hearts - our selfishness, pride and greed that have broken our world.

Where can we turn? Is there any hope left? The Bible says YES.

Firstly, the Bible acknowledges that our world is broken and doesn’t pretend everything is ok. And secondly, the Bible gives us certain hope of reunion with the God who made us through Jesus, and hope of a better world because he died for our sins on Good Friday. 

How hopeful are you feeling?

Possible Discussion Questions

  • Where or who do you turn to when you feel hopeless?
  • What difference do you think the certain hope of the Bible makes?

Related Bible Reference

  • Hebrews 11:1


Created by Polly Standring

Polly Standring writes, films and edits faithful, relevant and quality videos for Go Chatter, and connects with Christian content-creators and churches. She loves being a Londoner, most outdoor sports and looking after her many plants.​

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Permission has been granted by the content-creator to upload this video unedited directly to your personal or church’s social media. The social media license is an additional license that some videos have as some content creators have allowed some of their videos to be uploaded by churches to their social media channels.

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