Thoughtful animation that acknowledges the emotions around Mother's Day: tension, sadness, joy and thankfulness for the women in our lives who have loved us.
Someone is Coming this Christmas, trace the reason for Jesus’s birth from the very start of history through the long wait for God’s rescuer. British Sign Language Version.
Someone is Coming this Christmas, trace the reason for Jesus’s birth from the very start of history through the long wait for God’s rescuer. Subtitled Version.
The Christmas story is about God sending his Son, Immanuel, to be 'God with us'. Jesus endured separation from his Father to offer us salvation from eternal isolation, as well as honesty and openness with God now.
Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certainty of the hope God offers in Jesus. How hopeful are you feeling?
The Exodus series from Video Bible Talks is a six-video series of talks from the Old Testament Bible book of Exodus. This series takes us through the entire book of Exodus, with discussion questions to consider individually, or use as a part of your small group conversations.
In this sixth and final video, we look at Exodus 33-40. In this section of the book, God describes to Moses His plan for the Tabernacle, a place where He can dwell among His people.
In this fifth video, we look at Exodus 32 and see how even though God’s people had been rescued from slavery in Egypt, they were still slaves to sin in their hearts.
In this fourth video, we look at Exodus 18-31 and see how the new life God gives means living right with God and living right with other people. This new life is how life works best, and it is the life we get to live because of what the LORD has done for us.
In this second video, we look at Exodus 5-11 and see how God wants His people to know him as the LORD God of salvation. He is a promise-keeping God, who wants to be close to His people. Those who reject God will come to know Him as the LORD God of judgement.
In this third video, we look at Exodus 12-17 and see how God is the LORD who makes a way where there is no other way, keeping us safe from our enemies and even making a way through death itself.
A sermon or talk intro video for a teaching series on Jesus Christ in the Bible.
What's the best invitation you've ever received? Watch "Essentials" to find out the amazing invitation that God is offering you today...
When we gather together for teaching, prayer, community and remembering Jesus's death and resurrection, God's promise is that he will grow his church. How will you see his work continues?
Followers of Jesus have believed his message and accepted his invitation. If you're not yet a follower of Jesus, having now heard his message, will you accept his invitation to follow him as Lord and receive the Spirit?
How ready are you to speak up and speak out about Jesus? The same Holy Spirit from Acts is sent to live in every follower of Jesus, so God can work through us, and enables us to say the things that need to be said so people can be saved.
Jesus has left us with an important job to do: continue his work, by being his witnesses, while we wait for him to return from heaven. We're not alone: armed with the Bible and the Spirit, we have God's words and God's power.
The most important decision is the decision to follow Jesus as Lord - or not. This is a decision should be made carefully, based on what God has said about Jesus, and prayerfully, asking him to help you to make the right choice.
Doctor Folly is finally defeated by Stu Dent and Professor Wise in the Wisdom Lab! Being wise isn't about being clever and knowing lots, it's about being right with God and sticking with him even when times are hard.
In God's Big Book of Wisdom, we see that when bad things happen, God hasn't abandoned us. In fact, he cares for us so much that he has always had a plan to destroy sin, pain, and death through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
Doctor Folly is jealous of Professor Wise and tries to get rid of all the praise she receives! The Pharisees tried a similar thing with Jesus on Palm Sunday. They tried to shush the crowd and stop them from cheering Jesus, God's special king.
Doctor Folly mischievously tries to trap Stu Dent while Professor Wise is away! Sometimes we have people around us to rely on, but sometimes we don't. Whatever our situation, God is always looking after us.
Doctor Folly has a problem! She can't work out what the point of life is: is it about having fun, working, going on holiday or eating food? We can trust God to help us through each day, whether they're good or bad.
Stu Dent and Doctor Folly get into a spot of bother with some love potion! What does God's Big Book of Wisdom have to say about love and following our feelings? In the Song of Songs, we learn about God's love for us and how we should love other people.
In today's video, Job loses something much more important than Stu Dent's forgotten science formula: everything he owned, his health and his family. God teaches Job and us that's it's easy to think we have all the answers and are in charge. But in reality, only God knows exactly why things happen as they do.
The one place we can trust to find the truth is God's Big Book of Wisdom, which helps us unpack what's going on when we suffer, how sin fits in, whether we're being punished and where God is when things go wrong.
Professor Wendy Wise and Stu Dent take a look at the book of Job in God's Big Book of Wisdom. Sometimes, even when we live God’s way, our life can be very hard. But Job shows us that God is good and worth following even when life is hard and bad things happen to us.
Stu Dent, Doctor Folly and Professor Wendy Wise look at God's Big Book of Wisdom and see what it has to say about being lazy and working hard. God has designed us to work hard as well as rest in his world!
Meet Stu Dent, Doctor Folly and Professor Wendy Wise and join them on their quest for a wisdom formula! In God's Big Book of Wisdom, we learn that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).
Two friends from Jerusalem had dinner with a mysterious man, who did something very familiar. When Jesus broke the bread, they recognised him for who he was!
When Jesus came for a meal, Martha rushed around cooking and cleaning - but Mary stopped everything to listen. Which sister did the right thing? Why is listening to Jesus so important?
In episode 6, our journey draws to a close as we look at the Church and the promised New Creation. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.
In episode 5, we take a look at Jesus and the good news of his life, death and resurrection. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.
In episode 4, our journey takes a turn for the worse as we look at the prophets and the exile of God’s people to Babylon. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.
In episode 3, we stop over to look at King David and the promises of perfect forever king and a perfect forever kingdom. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.
In episode 2, we look at the great promise of blessing that God gave to Abraham. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.
In episode 1, we begin with God’s good creation and our fall into brokenness. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.
The Bible isn't boring and irrelevant! It's full of exciting stories about heroes, villains, betrayal and the greatest king ever. It's been translated into hundreds of languages. And most importantly, it's how God speaks to us today.
...and 8 ways we can do the same. In this 1 minute sound bite, Dan Marks takes us through 8 ways Jesus treated women by empowering, celebrating, protecting, honouring, respecting, valuing, teaching and confiding in them.
Have you ever wondered what Jesus makes of the big issues: God, the World, and You? Watch "Life According to Jesus in 3,2,1" to find out!
Fast-paced Christian animation giving a snapshot of Israel's journey through the Old Testament - in just three and a half minutes!
Creative Christian animation showing the action-packed beginnings of the Early Church after Jesus, as found in the New Testament.
Thought-provoking Christian video - Cambridge University Lecturer points out some surprising facts about the reliability of Mark's Gospel.
Have you ever truly experienced hunger? Short Christian video about Jesus' commitment to the Scriptures, and being hungry for the Word of God.
Short Christian video creatively showing that the Bible is key to knowing God - it points to Him. Through his Word, God has made himself known.
117-second Bible overview using stick figures that explores how the nativity fits in with the rest of the Bible and how it changes not just our Christmas, but our entire year and our entire life.
Discover what it means for Jesus, God’s Son, to be the YES to all God’s plans and promises, in his birth, life, death and resurrection as king.
Thoughtful animation with easy-to-read subtitles that acknowledges the emotions around Mother's Day: tension, sadness, joy and thankfulness for the women in our lives who have loved us.
Have you noticed that we can be less scared depending on who we’re with? The Bible tells us that the Almighty God is with us - always.
Another lockdown, 2 millennia ago: what does the apostle Paul write from prison? ‘Do not be anxious. Pray and receive God’s peace.’
The story of 'The Paralysed Man' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of a man stuck on a mat who with Jesus' healing got up and walked.
The story of 'David and Goliath' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of David's triumph over Goliath and how he points us to Jesus.
The story of 'David and Goliath' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of David's triumph over Goliath and how he points us to Jesus.
Experience the story of Jesus turning water into wine in a LEGO animation that retells the story of Jesus' amazing first miracle.
Experience the story of Jesus turning water into wine in a LEGO animation that retells the story of Jesus' amazing first miracle.
Experience ''The Raising of Lazarus'' in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of the amazing miracle where Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead.
Experience 'The Raising of Lazarus' in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of the amazing miracle where Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead.
Experience 'Jonah' in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of the prophet who God asked to take His message to a sinful city, but struggled to forgive them himself.
Experience 'Jonah' in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of the prophet who God asked to take His message to a sinful city, but struggled to forgive them himself.