Download Tag: Forgiveness


When Peter was reunited with Jesus after denying him three times, he deserved and expected retribution, but instead he received a divine resolution. He was forgiven.

Homeward: Social Media Version

Feeling lost? Everyone feels that way sometimes. But Easter is all about Jesus coming back to life, coming home. Is He hoping you'll come home too?

He Has Risen

Powerful video styled as a radio broadcast from a female spoken word artist about the good news that burst onto the scene on the first Easter morning.

Does He know what He’s doing?

Paul Faulkner unpacks the forgiveness we receive from Jesus, as He took our place on the cross. He asks the question, 'Does He know what He's doing?' 

What Is Sin

Sin is often connoted to the really bad deeds, like murder or stealing. Yet we explore in this video that sin is really imperfection: missing the mark of God’s perfect standard for humankind.

The Rose – Matt Chandler

This video is a powerful representation of how God chose to die for us and loves us despite our sinful, broken ways. Matt Chandler tells his story of being at a youth conference where the speaker spoke about sexual sin using a single red rose.

Jesus is Risen!

In the last episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', Jesus rises from the dead! He has defeated death and we can come to him for forgiveness and eternal life, when we will know fully what it's like to be with Jesus.

Jesus Dies to Save Us

In the fifth episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', we see that Jesus' death was all part of God's plan to save us from sin. We can say "sorry" to God and "thank you" to Jesus for rescuing us!

Under Construction: Episode 10

Ben welcomes Bernie into his home, despite the number of times he tried to stop their building work. This episode demonstrates the forgiveness and kindness of God to us, even when we consistently mess up.

Under Construction: Episode 9

Bernie gets caught stealing tools from Tommy, but is immediately sorry for doing so. God loves it when we are sorry and repent, and he continues to love and forgive us when we mess up.

JC Hospital: Episode 5

The Pharisees were the goody two shoes of their day. But Jesus shows us that God’s law is about loving others and God, not obeying rules. We don't keep the rules perfectly or love God and others perfectly. But Jesus died for proud law-breakers like you and me so that we can be forgiven.

JC Hospital: Episode 4

Come and hear today's story about a paralysed man who came through a roof! But although the man was sick, what he needed more than anything else was to be forgiven and to have his insides or his soul fixed by Jesus.

JC Hospital: Episode 3

Jesus wasn't just powerful - he really cared about people. Jesus didn't just care about their broken bodies and sicknesses, he also cared about their insides or their souls, which were broken because of sin. That's why Jesus came to preach about forgiveness, as well as heal people!

Planet Earth II (Subtitled Version)

Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.

Meals with Jesus: With Zacchaeus

Jesus came to find and save lost sinners, like Zacchaeus, and welcome them into God's family. How amazing that Jesus wants to be friends with sinners!

Meals with Jesus: Lunch with Levi

Levi was a traitor with a big S.I.N. problem. He needed Jesus to change his heart. The Pharisees thought they were healthy, and didn't need Jesus. Just like Levi, when we trust that Jesus has saved us through his death on the cross, we can be forgiven.

Meals with Jesus: Big Picnic

Hungry people needed feeding and sick people needed healing! Jesus did something only God could do: he fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish and there were 12 baskets of leftovers!

Meals with Jesus: Supper at Simon’s

Simon, a respected church-goer, and a woman with a bad reputation both have a meal with Jesus. But only one understands that they are a sinner in need of a saviour - and only one thanks Jesus. Watch to discover who it is!

Cancel Culture

Both God and cancel culture take wrong things said or done seriously. But where cancel culture leaves no room for mistakes, repentance, forgiveness or grace, God does.

How do I become a Christian?

It's as simple as A, B, C: Admit your sin, Believe Jesus is Lord, Commit your life to Jesus and live for him. There aren't any fancy rules or rituals, and you don't need to be good enough.

Why I’m Still a Virgin

With honesty and warmth, Howie answers these two questions and unpacks just what sex is. Sex is more than just 2 people coming together in a physical act of intimacy. Sex, as God designed it, is the most powerful glue on the planet.

Parable Of The Lost Son

Christian video brilliantly reimagines what Jesus' famous teaching of the parable of the Prodigal Son may look like today.

A Potter’s Story (Subtitled Version)

Vinny shares his story through pottery of how Jesus changed his life and about how God can centre our life and make something beautiful out of it.

Asha’s Story

A woman's very powerful and personal video testimony about being freed from drug use and finding reconciliation through forgiveness in Christ.

Relentless Love

Using Matthew 18:22 and Psalm 103:12, this song celebrates the extent of God’s relentless love and grace that cover our sins - to infinity and beyond!

The First Love

The last year has seen love in action like no other - but we're not lovely all the time. How did God love unlovely people? He gave up his only Son and loved us - first.

The First Love (Valentine’s)

Where does love come from? Why do we love at all? This Valentine’s watch the greatest love story ever written.

A Potter’s Story

Vinny shares his story through pottery of how Jesus changed his life and about how God can centre our life and make something beautiful out of it.

Planet Earth II

Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.

Planet Earth II Part B

What could be more extravagant, more incredible than the wonder of nature that we see around us on Planet Earth?