When Peter was reunited with Jesus after denying him three times, he deserved and expected retribution, but instead he received a divine resolution. He was forgiven.
Sin is often connoted to the really bad deeds, like murder or stealing. Yet we explore in this video that sin is really imperfection: missing the mark of God’s perfect standard for humankind.
In this third video from the Sermon on the Mount series, Jesus shows the difference between 'religion' and a life lived in response to His grace.
God made three BIG promises to Abraham to do with the promised land, lots of children, and great blessing. These promises were God's grace to those who didn't deserve it but were loved by God.
Both God and cancel culture take wrong things said or done seriously. But where cancel culture leaves no room for mistakes, repentance, forgiveness or grace, God does.
It's as simple as A, B, C: Admit your sin, Believe Jesus is Lord, Commit your life to Jesus and live for him. There aren't any fancy rules or rituals, and you don't need to be good enough.
With honesty and warmth, Howie answers these two questions and unpacks just what sex is. Sex is more than just 2 people coming together in a physical act of intimacy. Sex, as God designed it, is the most powerful glue on the planet.
Hear everyday Christians from the North of England, like Levi, share their stories of how Jesus has changed them. Listen to the secure identity Levi has found in Jesus and now shares with the Japanese.
If the required standard's perfection, what hope have I got? "I'm not that Bad" shares the secret to living free from judgement and free from fear.
Beautiful spoken word poem that unpacks what God’s grace means: the release from the burden of earning approval, the relief of no longer doing it my way, a tender invitation to surrender.
Celebrate God’s unending grace to us in Jesus and the relief that we can’t earn his love by being good or praying or going to church - it’s a free gift!