Are you heading back to school soon? Did you know that God promises to be with anyone who is trusting in him!
In the second of this three video series, see how Habakkuk finds a great glimmer of hope that anticipates the good news of Jesus: the righteous will live by faith.
Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certainty of the hope God offers in Jesus. How hopeful are you feeling?
A call to pray, to live, to speak, to love and to walk this good news out. Maybe it's the way we walk?
Are you struggling to keep going? God doesn't promise us that it'll go away today, but he does promise lasting peace one day.
In this fourth video in the series, Jesus shows how the things of this world just don't deliver. In light of eternity, he gives us a greater vision.
How would you finish this sentence? Before I die I want to... A church in London asked passers-by to scribble down their life ambitions…
Are you heading back to school soon? Did you know that God promises to be with anyone who is trusting in him!
A spoken word lament that honestly unpacks the rawness of grief and suffering, and then points to God who holds our fragile hearts, strengthens our stumbling faith and who died so we can live in hope now of an eternally perfect future.
With honesty and warmth, Howie answers these two questions and unpacks just what sex is. Sex is more than just 2 people coming together in a physical act of intimacy. Sex, as God designed it, is the most powerful glue on the planet.
The voices of failure, fear, pain and regret can be overwhelming. But there is real and lasting hope that gives value, purpose and strength to withstand the storm. This hope has a name.
Powerful short video likening life's uncertainties with the unpredictable nature of the sea. What will see us through the storm?
What if there was someone who showed they had power over disease, disaster and death? Would you listen to their answers about life's problems?
Are joy and peace beyond our reach? "Servant Song" meditates on how Jesus's life, death and resurrection bring life and hope to our brokenness.
Children love "Beauty and the Beast", but what happens if Beast dies, is that a good ending? And what about us? Can we have a good ending?
Infinitely more powerful than our wishes and dreams, God’s hope welcomes outsiders in and provides a secure foundation for weary souls.
Comfort, reassure and lift the spirits of little ones with this original children’s song that reminds us that God knows when we’re sad and will never let us go.
Loss, success, division, achievement: see this montage of the highs and lows of the drama of 2016 and consider where do you place your hope?