Sometimes we may doubt or lose heart, but Jesus is always consistent and unfailing. Sing of Christ’s promise to never leave or forsake us with this lyric video by Co-Mission.
Based on 1 Corinthians 15:55, this song is a declaration of the eternal life that can be found in Christ, because of the sacrifice He made for us. Sing of everlasting life with this lyric video by Co-Mission.
Sing this song of refuge and God’s blessing with this lyric video by Co-Mission.
Sing of the how word became flesh when Jesus made his dwelling with us on earth, with this lyric video by Co-Mission.
Sing of the day in which we will finally meet Jesus face to face, with this lyric video by Co-Mission.
This song is a heart cry for us to give all we are to Christ, to be made more Christ-like and to bring glory to His name. Sing along and worship with this lyric video by Co-Mission.
Sing of God’s creation and the sureness of His promises with this lyric video by Co-Mission.
In the Bible, there are four different types of love: eros, storge, philia and agape. This Valentine’s Day, learn the four types of love and how God’s agape love is the best love of all!
Hear 27 different definitions of love as Ben walks around the centre of Cambridge asking people what it means to them. Let this video help you think about how you define love this Valentine’s day!
In the final video of this series, see how Habakkuk responds by praising God, demonstrating how much God can impact our lives.
In the second of this three video series, see how Habakkuk finds a great glimmer of hope that anticipates the good news of Jesus: the righteous will live by faith.
In the first of this three video series, see how Habakkuk cried out to God in the first chapter of this Old Testament book. Let this be a reminder that we can do the same!
“In you, Lord my God, I put my trust.” Creative interpretation of Psalm 25, produced with animated watercolour illustrations.
“Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, you his servants; praise the name of the Lord.” Creative interpretation of Psalm 113, produced with animated watercolour illustrations.
“The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice.” Creative interpretation of Psalm 97, produced with animated watercolour illustrations.
“Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble.” Creative interpretation of Psalm 41, produced with animated watercolour illustrations.
Throughout this series of 5 videos, Lee McMunn explains that to know the truth we need God to engage us in conversation. Lee looks at what Jesus says about God in the Bible and explores what it means to have a relationship with Him.
As we watch international athletes perform and compete in over 100 events at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, what can the Bible teach us about performance? About where we fall short, and about the only one who was ever ‘good enough’?
Countdown 25 days of December to Christmas Day with creative illustrations and a thoughtful script to help us stop, slow down and remember the real purpose of Advent.
Countdown 25 days of December to Christmas Day with creative illustrations, subtitles and a thoughtful script to help us stop, slow down and remember the real purpose of Advent.
This series explores the question: “What was it like to be with Jesus?” through a collection of six engaging videos. This series is an opportunity to go on a journey of discovery from Jesus’ first disciples being called, to his death and resurrection.
When it boils down to it – Easter is central to the Christian faith. Who would have thought that a weekend would have been so key to the fate of humanity? The reality is we can find fullness and full-on forgiveness because Jesus rose from the tomb.
This 12-episode series takes place on a construction site where children can explore the book of Nehemiah, his mission of re-building the walls of Jerusalem, and how we can trust in and thank the Lord for who he is and what he has done.
Someone is Coming this Christmas, trace the reason for Jesus’s birth from the very start of history through the long wait for God’s rescuer.
Someone is Coming this Christmas, trace the reason for Jesus’s birth from the very start of history through the long wait for God’s rescuer. British Sign Language Version.
Someone is Coming this Christmas, trace the reason for Jesus’s birth from the very start of history through the long wait for God’s rescuer. Subtitled Version.
Do your new year’s resolutions deliver what they promise: a refined, more-together, ‘better’ you? What if there was someone who actually delivered? Who had the blueprint to the most fulfilled life ever, and offered it to you?
Do we just see a baby, or something more? Christmas evangelistic video inviting us to consider the baby Jesus and what he will grow up to become. British Sign Language Version.
Do we just see a baby, or something more? Christmas evangelistic video inviting us to consider the baby Jesus and what he will grow up to become.
Brilliant Spoken Word poem that unpacks the Christmas story looking at the one thing that holds it all together – the Christmas Chord. Subtitled Version.
What holds Christmas together? Unpack the ‘moment in history that changed everything’, God’s trump card against the sin of a broken race.
Dai Woolridge performs a powerful spoken word on 4 words that underpin the message of Christmas: “Do not be afraid”. These words are offered to us today, in Jesus Christ.
Dai Woolridge performs a powerful spoken word on 4 words that underpin the message of Christmas: “Do not be afraid”. These words are offered to us today, in Jesus Christ. Subtitled Version.
‘Tis the season to be busy! Short, evangelistic animation that explains the good news of Christmas and how we can be ready to receive Jesus.
In the busyness of the season, this Christian video reminds us that before the very first Christmas, God was getting ready to give the gift of Jesus. Subtitled Version.
The Christmas story is about God sending his Son, Immanuel, to be ‘God with us’. Jesus endured separation from his Father to offer us salvation from eternal isolation, as well as honesty and openness with God now.
If you were Joseph, and you put two and two together, what would you come up with? Spoken word with a modern twist exploring Joseph’s perspective of Mary’s pregnancy.
Join Mary, the angels and Simeon in praising God for keeping his promises, and for the birth of Jesus in this beautifully illustrated animation.
Join Mary, the angels and Simeon in praising God for keeping his promises, and for the birth of Jesus in this beautifully illustrated animation. British Sign Language Version.
What makes Christmas a truly happy or merry time? What and why do we celebrate? Unpack three names given to the baby in the manger: “Christ”, “Jesus” and “Immanuel” meaning ‘God with us’. Merry Christmas!
Children’s animated retelling with subtitles of what happened when a poor shepherd boy and a rich king met a very special baby. Although very different, both discover that Jesus is the saviour everyone needs, no matter who they are.
Children’s animated retelling of what happened when a poor shepherd boy and a rich king met a very special baby. Although very different, both discover that Jesus is the saviour everyone needs, no matter who they are.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of ‘While shepherds watched their flocks by night’! British Sign Language Version.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of ‘While shepherds watched their flocks by night’! Subtitled Version.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of ‘While shepherds watched their flocks by night’!
Phil Moore’s recording of Ben Clube’s advent adaptation of this classic hymn joyfully points us to what Christmas is really about in the midst of uncertainty – our King.
Phil Moore’s original ‘Welcome Home’ looks back to Jesus’ birth in our home – this broken world – in order to bring us to our true home with him.
Join the angels in praising God for Jesus’ birth in this classic but lesser-known carol with a modern twist. Ideal for online or in-person carol services.
Join the herald angels in contemplating the birth of God’ Son in this carol where the gospel truths of the lyrics stand out in the simpler chords.
Come and adore Christ the Lord with this jazzed-up carol that offers a modern twist on familiar tune, blending piano, drums and harmonious vocals.
Phil Moore has produced a beautiful rendition of this familiar carol with a stunning female solo that preserves the traditional tune and pitch.
Phil Moore’s new original ‘We Have a Lamb’ looks beyond Jesus’ birth to the hope he offers: at the cross, of fulfilment and as our sacrificial Lamb.
From Phil Moore’s album Home for Christmas: Carols for a very different Christmas. A Phil Moore original, this song traces the Word of God: from creation’s beauty and order, to the prophets’ teaching, to Jesus the Word in flesh, to finally hearing, believing and sharing Jesus’ words of life and freedom.
Phil Moore’s adaptation of Charles Wesley’s classic Easter hymn lifts our voices to the joy of Easter Sunday – Alleluia!
Sing of our Saviour’s marvellous and wonderful love for us, exemplified in his death on the cross and secured by his triumphant resurrection.
Sing of the blessings poured out on us at the cross: we have a sacrificial Lamb, a Shepherd to guide us, a stream to satisfy us and a Father who brings us home.
An original Easter tune from Phil Moore that reminds us of Christ’s overflowing love shown on the cross that fills and fixes empty, broken hearts.
A hopeful, reflective song that looks forward to the certain hope of a renewed world and restored relationship with God, achieved by Christ’s death on the cross and his glorious resurrection.
We were lost in sin’s darkness until the star over the manger marked the birth of the Light of the world, who would bring eternal light and life into our hearts.
For many, Christmas will be a hard time, full of loneliness, homelessness or loss. But that first Christmas, Jesus came to bring light to those dark places.
Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certainty of the hope God offers in Jesus. How hopeful are you feeling?
The Last Post, accompanied by striking illustrations of soldiers from wars across history and the world, followed by a two minute’s silence and the Rouse.
Without being prescriptive or judgemental, this creative and accessible stop-motion animation puts the climate change emergency in the Biblical context of our greed and selfishness, calls us to respond and points us to the promise of a forever perfect world.
The Exodus series from Video Bible Talks is a six-video series of talks from the Old Testament Bible book of Exodus. This series takes us through the entire book of Exodus, with discussion questions to consider individually, or use as a part of your small group conversations.
In this sixth and final video, we look at Exodus 33-40. In this section of the book, God describes to Moses His plan for the Tabernacle, a place where He can dwell among His people.
In this fifth video, we look at Exodus 32 and see how even though God’s people had been rescued from slavery in Egypt, they were still slaves to sin in their hearts.
In this fourth video, we look at Exodus 18-31 and see how the new life God gives means living right with God and living right with other people. This new life is how life works best, and it is the life we get to live because of what the LORD has done for us.
In this second video, we look at Exodus 5-11 and see how God wants His people to know him as the LORD God of salvation. He is a promise-keeping God, who wants to be close to His people. Those who reject God will come to know Him as the LORD God of judgement.
In this third video, we look at Exodus 12-17 and see how God is the LORD who makes a way where there is no other way, keeping us safe from our enemies and even making a way through death itself.
This first video explores Exodus 1-4, when God’s people were slaves in Egypt. They had forgotten the LORD as their God, but God promised to rescue them from slavery and restore their relationship with him as their God.
The Sermon on the Mount series from Video Bible Talks is a six-video series of Bible teaching from Matthew 5-7 looking at what Jesus says about how to live as his disciples.
Sin is often connoted to the really bad deeds, like murder or stealing. Yet we explore in this video that sin is really imperfection: missing the mark of God’s perfect standard for humankind.
A call to pray, to live, to speak, to love and to walk this good news out. Maybe it’s the way we walk?
This engaging animation retells the parable of the sower. Jesus told this parable to represent the contrasting responses to the gospel, which is your response?
This video is a powerful representation of how God chose to die for us and loves us despite our sinful, broken ways. Matt Chandler tells his story of being at a youth conference where the speaker spoke about sexual sin using a single red rose.
Christians in Training is an 11-episode children’s series which provides a ‘whistle stop tour’ of the New Testament letters, focusing on the Pauline Epistles. Each episode includes a range of resources to run a complete session for 4-11 year olds.
A sermon or talk intro video for a teaching series from the book of Colossians
A sermon or talk intro video for a teaching series from the book of Romans.
A sermon or talk intro video for a teaching series from the book of Ecclesiastes.
A sermon or talk intro video for a teaching series on Jesus Christ in the Bible.
A sermon or talk intro video for a teaching series from the book of Colossians
Spoken word for Black History Month from the perspective of a white person with adopted black siblings, that looks to diagnose the deep-rooted problems beneath racism.
Paul Faulkner unpacks the complexity of being “equal parts black and British”, beginning with his grandfather’s arrival, 60 years ago, and looking forward to a loving, diverse church family for his own grandchildren, 60 years later.
Are you struggling to keep going? God doesn’t promise us that it’ll go away today, but he does promise lasting peace one day.
The Jewish Bible contained over 100 promises about an exceptional person who would come to save the world. This video explores what the chances are of this person actually arriving.
In this fourth video in the series, Jesus shows how the things of this world just don’t deliver. In light of eternity, he gives us a greater vision.
In this fifth video in the Sermon on the Mount series, Jesus warns us to ‘look out’ for certain things that may take us off course as we follow him.
In this final video in the series, Jesus asks us what we are going to do… having heard his words will we ignore him? Or trust and follow him?
In this third video from the Sermon on the Mount series, Jesus shows the difference between ‘religion’ and a life lived in response to His grace.
This encouraging series unpacks this responsibility to share Jesus’ good news with a world that desperately needs to hear it. Armed with the Bible and the Spirit, we are equipped with God’s words and God’s power to do the job he’s left us to do. The question is, are we going to do it?
What is real success according to Jesus? Check out the first video in this six part series by Video Bible Talks on the Sermon on the Mount!
Students discuss questions of life, humanity, and faith, as part of Durham University’s Christian Union event: Human.
Great Christian testimony video of how God used the Psalms to speak powerfully and personally to convict Duncan of his sin and need to be cleansed.
From creation to fall, redemption to new creation – this is the Bible’s story in four beats. A Spoken Word video performed by Dai Woolridge.
A boiled-down explanatory video about what Christianity is, what Jesus has to do with it, how to become a Christian and how it impacts your life.
Christian video clearly explaining John 14:6 to show that Jesus is being honest not intolerant when He says He is the only way to God.
Christian video testimony of a woman asking God for courage in the face of multiple miscarriages, and how He freed her from fear of the occult.