How a young man overcame addiction and discovered the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ.
What's on your bucket list? Out of all the 1001 fun things to do, what's the 1 essential thing you must do before you die?
What's the biggest danger you face today? Watch “Essentials 3: Rescue” to find out what God says it is, and why there's also amazing news.
What do you find in barren places? A thoughtshort video exploring our desire to 'connect' with something greater.
Where is God when tragedy strikes? Watching from the sidelines, powerless to help? Find out what the Bible tells us, watch "It's not fair".
Is God just a bad tempered old man living in the sky? That wouldn't be good news! Watch "The Man Upstairs" to discover how God describes himself.
Short video exploring the way each of us 'sees' the world uniquely. A great discussion starter on plausibility structures or worldviews.
Fast-paced Christian animation giving a snapshot of Israel's journey through the Old Testament - in just three and a half minutes!
This thought-provoking Christian video takes a fresh look at the Beatitudes, from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. What does it mean to be blessed?
Students share their own faith stories in this Christian video, as part of Durham University's Christian Union event: Story.
Love sport a bit too much? Watch "No Comparison" now to put things in perspective and remind yourself of the bigger picture...
Creative Christian animation showing the action-packed beginnings of the Early Church after Jesus, as found in the New Testament.
Jesus asks Peter ‘Who do you say I am?’. This Uncover video asks: Does it matter how people define us? Who are we? Who is Jesus?
The World Cup is always an epic occasion, full of amazing moments. But what is the greatest event of all time?
It's the ultimate question and the biggest mystery: what happened in the beginning? This thought-provoking Christian video explores some answers.
What if there was someone who showed they had power over disease, disaster and death? Would you listen to their answers about life's problems?
A thought-provoking video from UCCF to go with their Uncover Mark project. Are we really alone in this life? Are we lost or are we found?
Thought-provoking Christian video - Cambridge University Lecturer points out some surprising facts about the reliability of Mark's Gospel.
Creative Christian video explaining the main message found in the Gospels and the good news about Jesus into just 90 seconds.
In the world of sport, we see success, talent, and strength but also failure, anxiety, and insecurity. But who did Jesus come to seek and save?
Have you ever wondered where God is when things are going wrong? This video explains the comfort of knowing that God has an unstoppable plan!
This powerfully animated Christian video tells the story of a monster and explores how we have all done wrong, and need forgiveness.
Fast-paced Christian video telling Jesus’ amazing life story as told in the gospels, condensed down to just 3 1/2 minutes!
A thoughtshort video exploring the origins of life through the metaphor of water. It asks not just ‘how?’ or ‘where?’ life began – but ‘why?’
Short Christian video creatively showing that the Bible is key to knowing God - it points to Him. Through his Word, God has made himself known.
This Christmas watch this musical comedy that follows the journey of an unopened Christmas present that no one seems to want.
What could be better than discovering George Best's talent? Watch this video to find out more about Jesus's claim to be the greatest treasure
Challenging Christian video - Holy Sweat - Spoken Word performance encouraging us that we are not working for salvation, but for God's glory.
A woman's very powerful and personal video testimony about being freed from drug use and finding reconciliation through forgiveness in Christ.
Whatever kind of mothering role you have, know that you are seen, you are valued and this day is all about you.
Here are some fascinating facts about the Queen to mark her 90th Birthday, most intriguing of all, find out whom she serves in "The Queen's King"
Coaches inspire, Jesus does more than inspire. Watch "Life to the Full" to find out about the amazing offer Jesus is making to you!
Powerful evangelistic video - ex-terrorist Billy McCurrie talks about the Troubles, how he became a Christian in Maze prison and his life now.
The gritty truth of Christmas told in a rap remix of the classic carol 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen', featuring the Carlisle Cathedral Choir & Andy Dykes.
Christian video exploring what home means to different people. A place of safety or hurt? This Christmas, accept Jesus' invitation to come home.
Resolutions seem designed to show weakness. This poem explains Jesus kept his resolution to free us from failure as he cried “It is finished!”
What is Easter all about? Chocolate eggs and bunnies or a cross and an empty tomb? Find out what the people of Preston said in this video...
...and he knows yours. But do you really know him? The Christian faith isn't about having the right answers, but about a personal relationship with Jesus who came to save us.
We were all born to die, is there really no escape? God doesn’t let down a rescue-rope, he sends a cannonball! Watch to find out more.
Are joy and peace beyond our reach? "Servant Song" meditates on how Jesus's life, death and resurrection bring life and hope to our brokenness.
A funny thing happened on the way to Jerusalem... Watch this video for Easter themed stand-up poetry about the comedy behind Easter.
This spoken word poem unpacks the sad humour and irony in Jesus' execution.
Spoken word video from Speak Life about the humour and irony surrounding Jesus' resurrection.
Award winning computer game, That Dragon, Cancer is a game that mirrors life because it is unwinnable; we all face death. But is there hope?
We see it many times - a hero giving themselves for others, and it resonates with us. Why? Is it to do with the greatest story ever told?
Spoken word Christian video of the author of life rewriting history to come down into time and space and die on Good Friday as an offering for humanity's sin.
A journalist is sent to the home of the former district governor, but his routine obituary fact check reveals an extraordinary secret.
Beautiful spoken word poem that unpacks what God’s grace means: the release from the burden of earning approval, the relief of no longer doing it my way, a tender invitation to surrender.
Infinitely more powerful than our wishes and dreams, God’s hope welcomes outsiders in and provides a secure foundation for weary souls.
Powerful spoken word poem that reels off all the ways Jesus has loved us, and leaves us challenged to follow his self-sacrificial example.
From heartbreak to joy three days later, witness the realisation of Jesus’ certain victory through Peter’s eyes. Jesus went from fully perfect to fully broken so we could be fully fixed and forgiven, forever.
Witness the emotional turmoil of events before Easter Sunday through the man who watched from the sidelines. Spoken word by Dai Woolridge from the perspective of Peter.
Soon after Sarah's 12 week scan she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Sarah shares her story of battling cancer and the hope she had.
Have you noticed that we can be less scared depending on who we’re with? The Bible tells us that the Almighty God is with us - always.
Another lockdown, 2 millennia ago: what does the apostle Paul write from prison? ‘Do not be anxious. Pray and receive God’s peace.’
The last year has seen love in action like no other - but we're not lovely all the time. How did God love unlovely people? He gave up his only Son and loved us - first.
Where does love come from? Why do we love at all? This Valentine’s watch the greatest love story ever written.
Soon after Sarah's 12 week scan she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Sarah shares her story of battling cancer and the hope she had.
Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.
What could be more extravagant, more incredible than the wonder of nature that we see around us on Planet Earth?
What''s on your bucket list? Out of all the 1001 fun things to do, what''s the 1 essential thing you must do before you die?
Watch "Plan as Old as Time": the song that celebrates the oldest love story the world has ever known: that between God and humanity.
Paul Syrstad performs a powerful spoken word poem. As image bearers, God has made us for an amazing purpose - will we live it out?
A powerful Christian spoken word video about how to actively continue rejoicing in Jesus rather than taking God's grace and love for granted.
Human beings: accident or design? "You" explores just a few of the incredible things about you and introduces your amazing designer.
Explore the truth of the unseen dragon at Christmas, and the dragon slayer who came to the manger.
Walking on the moon has to be one of humankind's biggest achievements, but for the 8th man on the moon there is something more amazing still...
Jesus didn’t just enter the mess of a downstairs room with a feeding trough, he entered the mess of our world too as the Messi.a.h. who would change everything.
In the fascinating 8 minute video, Mike and Andy explain in their charming, unmistakable style that many of the Old Testament characters point to Jesus in their lives. In the video Mike focuses on the example of Abraham being asked by God to sacrifice his son and how this points to Jesus’ greater sacrifice.
Spoken word Christian video: “Love her brother like you are the eternal lover who turned heaven and earth upside down to find us.”
Christmas is a holiday that comes with a cost. Explore the reality of Jesus saying ‘let me go there’ in this cinematic visualisation of RS Thomas’ poem.
Watch this review of 2017. A year dominated by fake news and broken political promises has left many longing for truth. Where can we find truth?