Download Category: All-Age

Duncan’s Story

Great Christian testimony video of how God used the Psalms to speak powerfully and personally to convict Duncan of his sin and need to be cleansed.

What Is Christianity

A boiled-down explanatory video about what Christianity is, what Jesus has to do with it, how to become a Christian and how it impacts your life.

Before I die I want to…

How would you finish this sentence? Before I die I want to... A church in London asked passers-by to scribble down their life ambitions…

In Remembrance of Her Majesty the Queen

It’s with profound sadness, but also great thankfulness that we remember Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II who served so faithfully.

Back to School (Subtitled Version)

In the Bible, God made a BIG promise to his people when they were scared about going to a new place. He told, ''be strong and courageous... I am with you, wherever you go''. So whether we're nervous or excited, we can trust God's promise to be with us as we go back to school.

Meals With Jesus Series Bundle

Meals with Jesus is a nine-episode children’s animated series that follows nine meals Jesus had with people in Luke’s gospel.

EURO 2020

Like Euro 2020, the Christian story is also one of great expectations and hope of a great victory. But when Jesus arrived, he wasn't the winner everyone expected. Was there more to the cross than defeat?

To My Child (Voiceover)

What does God the Father say to his beloved children? Explore the relationship between God the Father and his beloved children in a series of text messages that reveal the extent of his love and why he is the greatest father.

Parable Of The Wise and Foolish Builders

Christian animation showing Jesus' parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders - why is it important to build our lives on a firm foundation?

Jesus Heals The Paralytic

This animation explores the wonder of Jesus' healing of a paralysed man.

How to find the Wonder

A humorous, vlog style video on finding 'the wonder' in everyday routine. A light-hearted reflection on how we speed through life.


Short video exploring the majestic nature of lions. A great discussion starter helping people to think about what or who they follow!

Behind the Scenes: Luther Animation

Do playmobil actors do all their own stunts? Find out in this brief look behind the scenes of the Martin Luther Playmobil animation.

Meet the Nativity

Meet the Nativity, Episode 1 - A time-travelling romantic comedy in which 21st and 1st century Christmases magically collide.

A Potter’s Story (Subtitled Version)

Vinny shares his story through pottery of how Jesus changed his life and about how God can centre our life and make something beautiful out of it.


In this creative Christian video, a Father remembers the moment his adopted child was welcomed into his family and reflects on God as a Father.


Have you ever truly experienced hunger? Short Christian video about Jesus' commitment to the Scriptures, and being hungry for the Word of God.


Who can command the wind and waves? Only the Creator can quiet the chaos. Short Christian video about Jesus calming the storm.

The Greatest Question

In a world full of thousands of questions, uncertainties and disappointments knowing Jesus' true identity changes everything. This is the greatest, most important question anyone can answer. What's yours?

The Journey of Jesus in 3 ½ minutes

Fast-paced Christian video telling Jesus’ amazing life story as told in the gospels, condensed down to just 3 1/2 minutes!

Today is About You

Whatever kind of mothering role you have, know that you are seen, you are valued and this day is all about you.

Jesus Is Closer Than You Imagine

We can't see Jesus now, but he's not far away. Be encouraged by Jesus' promise that he is with his people always, to the very end of the age.

God’s Love Never Fails

Whether the dog ate their homework or they feel on top of the world, this creative video unpacks Lamentations 3:22-23 to practically encourage kids in their daily walk with God.

The Blessing (South Africa)

During the April 2020 lockdown a choir from across South Africa united to sing a blessing over their nation as part of a world wide movement.

Jesus Wears the Crown

Hats tell us about the wearer, so what does Jesus' crown tell us about him? Creative watercolour illustrations with a helpful script to help little ones understand the importance of Jesus' crown.

The Wise or Foolish Voice

Artistic illustration featuring a delightful voiceover conversation with an 8 year old discussing whether to listen to the wise or foolish voice when a crisis hits.

La historia de Martín Lutero (Spanish)

Una animación 'stop-motion' que usa Playmobil para explicar la historia de Martín Lutero y la Reforma.

A História de Martinho Lutero (Portuguese)

Uma animação em stop motion que usa Playmobil para contar a história de Martinho Lutero e da Reforma Protestante.

La Storia di Martin Lutero (Italian)

Animazione che usa Playmobil per raccontare la storia di Martin Lutero e della Riforma Protestante.

L’histoire de Martin Luther (French)

Animation image par image avec personnages Playmobil qui retrace l'histoire de Martin Luther et de la Réforme Protestante.

Father’s Day

Thoughtful animation that says 'thank you' to our dads for pointing us to God and sensitively acknowledges the sadness that surrounds Father's Day for some.

To My Child

What does God the Father say to his beloved children? Explore the relationship between God the Father and his beloved children in a series of text messages that reveal the extent of his love and why he is the greatest father.

Dear Dad

Helpful and fun all-age video to thank and celebrate dads in your church family!

Make the Most of Christmas

Evangelistic Christan video about making the most of Christmas. When the presents are unwrapped and Christmas is over, what truly fulfills us?

A 21st Century Christmas

Do you box Jesus up like a present under the tree, or recognise him as your only hope, the one who lasts forever, even when Christmas is over? 

Jesus Calls The First Disciples

In this engaging animation, we meet John the Baptist, witness a miraculous catch of fish and see Jesus calling of the first disciples.

Friend Of Sinners

Animation depicting events in the life of Jesus. Here, Jesus heals the sick and reaches out to those who are despised by others.

Walking On Water

Would you get out of the boat? Animation showing one of Jesus' miracles. Here, Peter steps out in faith towards Jesus - walking on the water!

Jesus In Jerusalem

Animation retelling key events in the life of Jesus. Here, we see Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem on a donkey and his anger in the temple.

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

What is Easter really all about? Powerful animation showing the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. He has risen...he is alive!

Jerusalem – Animated Video

A powerful animation of Jesus' death and resurrection to fit with the lyrics of the hymn 'Jerusalem'.

Three Friends and the Miracle Man

Follow Simeon and Miriam in this animated Easter Story as they meet the 'Miracle Man' and find out why he came!

He’s Here (Animation)

Discover what it means for Jesus, God’s Son, to be the YES to all God’s plans and promises, in his birth, life, death and resurrection as king.

I’ll Cling to the Word of God

This sing-a-long lyric video reminds us to cling to the Word of God, the love of God and the way of Christ. Our sure foundation will not let us down!

Mother’s Day (Subtitled version)

Thoughtful animation with easy-to-read subtitles that acknowledges the emotions around Mother's Day: tension, sadness, joy and thankfulness for the women in our lives who have loved us.

A Potter’s Story

Vinny shares his story through pottery of how Jesus changed his life and about how God can centre our life and make something beautiful out of it.

FA Cup Anthem: Abide With Me

It’s one of many well-loved traditions surrounding the FA Cup: thousands sing “Abide with me” before each final… but what do the words mean?

What Child Is This

Sing along to the traditional carol 'What Child Is This' featuring a classic, simple piano accompaniment for your carol service or concert!

Hark the Herald Angels Sing

Sing along to the traditional carol 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing' featuring a classic, simple piano accompaniment for your carol service or concert!

The First Noel

Sing along to the traditional carol 'The First Noel' featuring a classic, simple piano accompaniment for your carol service or concert!

Joy to the World

Sing along to the traditional carol 'Joy to the World' featuring a classic, simple piano accompaniment for your carol service or concert!

Silent Night

Sing along to the traditional carol 'Silent Night' featuring a classic, simple piano accompaniment for your carol service or concert!

Away in a Manger

Sing along to the traditional carol 'Away in a Manger' featuring a classic, simple piano accompaniment for your carol service or concert!

Christmas In Three Words

How would you describe Christmas in three words? Pigs in blankets? Strictly come dancing? Eating too much? One way the Bible describes Christmas is “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). This short video is perfect for Carol services, Christmas services, or just as a shareable video to send around to your friends. Download now in full HD.

Long Long Time Ago

Trace God’s hand through Old Testament history, and be reminded that God always keeps his promises so we can trust in him.

King Of The Nations

Join with multiple languages saying ‘thank you’ to Jesus, the King of the nations, who reverses the effects of sin and brings people together in faith.

He’s Here

What does it mean for God to be with us? Listen to the wonder of God’s Son who was born into our world, died on a cross and will reign as king forever.

What is Joy?

What gives you joy? A mountain top view? A feeling of excitement? Music? No homework? This short Christian video looks at what gives real joy.

The Story of Martin Luther

Who smuggled nuns out of a convent in barrels and lived disguised in a castle? Find our more about Martin Luther in our Playmobil Stop motion animation.

There’s a Dragon in my Nativity!

Explore the truth of the unseen dragon at Christmas, and the dragon slayer who came to the manger.

The Christmas & Easter Story Trail Bundle

This Christmas story trail is an interactive way for people to explore the Christmas message. When scanned with a phone a hidden video plays which communicates the gospel message.

Leigheas Fear Leis a’ Phairilis (Gàidhlig na h-Alba)

The story of 'The Paralysed Man' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of a man stuck on a mat who with Jesus' healing got up and walked.

David and Goliath (Scottish Accent)

The story of 'David and Goliath' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of David's triumph over Goliath and how he points us to Jesus.

Daibhidh agus Goliath (Gàidhlig na h-Alba)

The story of 'David and Goliath' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of David's triumph over Goliath and how he points us to Jesus.

The Wedding at Cana (Gàidhlig na h-Alba)

Experience the story of Jesus turning water into wine in a LEGO animation that retells the story of Jesus' amazing first miracle.

The Good Samaritan (Scottish Accent)

The parable of 'The Good Samaritan' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that takes you on the traveller's journey and introduces you to the people Jesus shared it with.

The Wedding at Cana (Scottish Accent)

Experience the story of Jesus turning water into wine in a LEGO animation that retells the story of Jesus' amazing first miracle.

LEGO Easter Tomb – Instruction Booklet

Download the instruction booklet for our LEGO Easter Tomb build for free, which includes a list of the parts needed (or you can just use similar ones). We hope you have fun making this custom set!

The Raising of Lazarus (Gàidhlig na h-Alba)

Experience ''The Raising of Lazarus'' in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of the amazing miracle where Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead.

The Raising of Lazarus (Scottish Accent)

Experience 'The Raising of Lazarus' in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of the amazing miracle where Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead.

Jonah (Gàidhlig na h-Alba)

Experience 'Jonah' in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of the prophet who God asked to take His message to a sinful city, but struggled to forgive them himself.

Jonah (Scottish Accent)

Experience 'Jonah' in a visually stunning LEGO animation that retells the story of the prophet who God asked to take His message to a sinful city, but struggled to forgive them himself.

4 Kinds of Christmas

Are you a Scrooge, a Shopper, a Santa... or a Stable-visitor? Dig a little deeper this Christmas, and return to the stable to discover the real meaning of the manger in the mess.

The Easter Story Trail One-Off Digital (DON’T USE)

This Easter story trail is an interactive way for people to explore the Easter story. This is for one-off pricing. Please don't use unless you've contacted Go Chatter individually.

The LEGO Easter Story (Scottish Accent)

Easter has been given a fresh look - through this LEGO animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus'' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!

Sgeulachd LEGO na Càisge (Scottish Gaelic)

Easter has been given a fresh look - through this LEGO animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus'''' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!

The Christmas Story Trail Custom Pricing

This Christmas story trail is an interactive way for people to explore the Christmas message. When scanned with a phone a hidden video plays which communicates the gospel message.

Sgeulachd nan Nollaig tro Lego

The Christmas story as you’ve never seen it before. Let LEGO tell the tale as you celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus and the hope that he brings for everyone in your community (Scottish Accent)

The LEGO Christmas Story-SoC

The Christmas story as you’ve never seen it before. Let LEGO tell the tale as you celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus and the hope that he brings for everyone in your community (Scottish Accent)

An Samaritanach Math (Gàidhlig na h-Alba)

The parable of 'The Good Samaritan' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that takes you on the traveller's journey and introduces you to the people Jesus shared it with.

LEGO The Good Samaritan (Scottish Accent)

The parable of 'The Good Samaritan' told in a visually stunning LEGO animation that takes you on the traveller's journey and introduces you to the people Jesus shared it with.