The Easter story in just 60 seconds! This Easter, take the opportunity to share the life changing message of Jesus’ death and resurrection with your local community via social media with this engaging and fast paced animation.
Explore the death and resurrection of Jesus with this powerful video that looks at the amazing sacrifice he made for us and how his story doesn't end there.
We may sometimes wonder how we got to where we are in life, but Jesus tells us exactly how he got to the cross and why he went. In this video, find out how we can end up in heaven because of him.
This Easter story trail is an interactive way for people to explore the Easter story. When scanned with a phone a hidden video plays which tells the story. (UK Postage & Packing included in price)
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this Lego animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this Lego animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus'' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this Lego animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this LEGO animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this LEGO animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this Lego animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this Lego animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!
Come and see Jesus' super powerful, super strong love in action! Delightful pop-up book animation that tells the story of the day Jesus died, and explores why the earth shook.
Jesus asked questions to make us think and learn, in the same way our teachers might ask us questions. Jesus asked, so that we would learn the truth, that our Heavenly Father cares for us.
The risen Jesus is still changing people. He breaks the power of sin and sadness for everyone who trusts Him. Knowing Jesus beat death for us means all our sadness will one day be joy! Like the first Easter, we celebrate that Jesus is ALIVE. He is with us, and changing us.
When Peter was reunited with Jesus after denying him three times, he deserved and expected retribution, but instead he received a divine resolution. He was forgiven.
This storybook animation takes us on a journey from the Garden of Eden to God’s perfect new creation. It's a gospel presentation that focuses on the significance of the temple curtain.
On the first Easter Sunday, the world was turned upside down. Jesus has divided public opinion for the last two millennia. So, what do you make of this story of the king?
This video invites us to look again at the Easter story. What if this fairytale is the truth? What if Jesus really is the hero?
Engaging Christian video explores the Easter story. What is life, what kind of tale? Comedy or tragic? Is Easter the true comedy?
Feeling lost? Everyone feels that way sometimes. But Easter is all about Jesus coming back to life, coming home. Is He hoping you'll come home too?
Feeling lost? Everyone feels that way sometimes. But Easter is all about Jesus coming back to life, coming home. Is He hoping you'll come home too?
In this spoken word video, Phil Howe unpacks the big themes of forgiveness and eternal life, focusing on how Jesus chose to forgive and accept the thief who was crucified next to Him.
Nothing says "I love you" like a box of chocolates - or does it? Find out how our Creator shows us his love, watch 'How Do You Say "I Love You"?' now!
If Jesus didn't really rise from the dead, Christianity is both irrelevant and a waste of time. But if Jesus did rise from the dead, that changes everything. There is so much more than this life and then death!
Trace Jesus' plan to mend a broken world - to his death? But the story doesn't end with his defeat. Jesus' resurrection secures us eternal life, a renewed world, eternal life and sin conquered forever.
Powerful video styled as a radio broadcast from a female spoken word artist about the good news that burst onto the scene on the first Easter morning.
Paul Faulkner unpacks the forgiveness we receive from Jesus, as He took our place on the cross. He asks the question, 'Does He know what He's doing?'
What have chocolate eggs got to do with Easter? This Easter, chocolate eggs can help point us to Jesus. In the same way that chocolate eggs are empty inside, the tomb Jesus was buried in was too. He had risen from the dead!
7 Easter hymns and original tunes that are ideal for celebrating Easter in online services, or in-person ones with limited singing.
Jesus' resurrection changed everything for Peter - and changes everything for us too! Creative watercolour illustrations and a thoughtful script will help all ages understand what happened between Jesus' death and the early church beginning!
God made everything the wrong way round on one day to put everything the right way round in eternity. Creative watercolour illustrations and a thoughtful script will help all ages understand what happened when Jesus died.
Creative video that mixes colourful illustrations, Easter elements and a thoughtful script to help all ages understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross to bridge the gap between our stain of sin and God's holiness. Ideal for celebrating God's love in action this Easter!
Lazarus is dead. Jesus wasn't there. Watch "If you had been here" to discover what Jesus can possibly have to offer his bereaved sister?
When it boils down to it - Easter is central to the Christian faith. Who would have thought that a weekend would have been so key to the fate of humanity? The reality is we can find fullness and full-on forgiveness because Jesus rose from the tomb.
Phil Moore's adaptation of Charles Wesley's classic Easter hymn lifts our voices to the joy of Easter Sunday - Alleluia!
Sing of our Saviour's marvellous and wonderful love for us, exemplified in his death on the cross and secured by his triumphant resurrection.
Sing of the blessings poured out on us at the cross: we have a sacrificial Lamb, a Shepherd to guide us, a stream to satisfy us and a Father who brings us home.
An original Easter tune from Phil Moore that reminds us of Christ's overflowing love shown on the cross that fills and fixes empty, broken hearts.
A hopeful, reflective song that looks forward to the certain hope of a renewed world and restored relationship with God, achieved by Christ's death on the cross and his glorious resurrection.
Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certainty of the hope God offers in Jesus. How hopeful are you feeling?
In the last episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', Jesus rises from the dead! He has defeated death and we can come to him for forgiveness and eternal life, when we will know fully what it's like to be with Jesus.
In the fifth episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', we see that Jesus' death was all part of God's plan to save us from sin. We can say "sorry" to God and "thank you" to Jesus for rescuing us!
What is Easter all about? Chocolate eggs and bunnies or a cross and an empty tomb? Find out what the people of Preston said in this video...
...and he knows yours. But do you really know him? The Christian faith isn't about having the right answers, but about a personal relationship with Jesus who came to save us.
We were all born to die, is there really no escape? God doesn’t let down a rescue-rope, he sends a cannonball! Watch to find out more.
Imagine the events surrounding Good Friday unfolded today... What would the online reaction be? This short film was a Jerusalem Awards finalist.
Animation retelling key events in the life of Jesus. Here, we see Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem on a donkey and his anger in the temple.
What is Easter really all about? Powerful animation showing the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. He has risen...he is alive!
This powerful poem about the Easter story exemplifies the extent of God's love, how he came down to Earth, suffered and died for all peoples.
A beautifully animated video showing the amazing things that Jesus said and did to show how God loves us.
Are joy and peace beyond our reach? "Servant Song" meditates on how Jesus's life, death and resurrection bring life and hope to our brokenness.
A powerful animation of Jesus' death and resurrection to fit with the lyrics of the hymn 'Jerusalem'.
Follow in the footsteps of Jesus’ followers as they get talking to someone who gives them the biggest surprise of all! Jesus' surprising story.
Quirky Dr Max loves facts. Surely one fact is certain - no one beats death. Or is it?
A funny thing happened on the way to Jerusalem... Watch this video for Easter themed stand-up poetry about the comedy behind Easter.
This spoken word poem unpacks the sad humour and irony in Jesus' execution.
Spoken word video from Speak Life about the humour and irony surrounding Jesus' resurrection.
A powerful video by Christians in Sport exploring the message of Luke 19:10. Who did Jesus come for? A great gospel explanation for the sporty.
Explore why the empty tomb mattered to Mary and the others, and still does to millions around the world today.
Follow Simeon and Miriam in this animated Easter Story as they meet the 'Miracle Man' and find out why he came!
Award winning computer game, That Dragon, Cancer is a game that mirrors life because it is unwinnable; we all face death. But is there hope?
We see it many times - a hero giving themselves for others, and it resonates with us. Why? Is it to do with the greatest story ever told?
Spoken word Christian video of the author of life rewriting history to come down into time and space and die on Good Friday as an offering for humanity's sin.
A journalist is sent to the home of the former district governor, but his routine obituary fact check reveals an extraordinary secret.
Beautiful spoken word poem that unpacks what God’s grace means: the release from the burden of earning approval, the relief of no longer doing it my way, a tender invitation to surrender.
Phil Moore's adaptation of Isaac Watts' classic Easter hymn fixes our eyes on the wonder of the cross and Jesus' divine, amazing love in action.
Sing the words of Isaiah 53 and hear the cost of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross: the man of grief gave up his life so that we might sing for joy.
From heartbreak to joy three days later, witness the realisation of Jesus’ certain victory through Peter’s eyes. Jesus went from fully perfect to fully broken so we could be fully fixed and forgiven, forever.
Witness the emotional turmoil of events before Easter Sunday through the man who watched from the sidelines. Spoken word by Dai Woolridge from the perspective of Peter.
The last year has seen love in action like no other - but we're not lovely all the time. How did God love unlovely people? He gave up his only Son and loved us - first.
Download the instruction booklet for our LEGO Easter Tomb build for free, which includes a list of the parts needed (or you can just use similar ones). We hope you have fun making this custom set!
This Easter story trail is an interactive way for people to explore the Easter story. This is for one-off pricing. Please don't use unless you've contacted Go Chatter individually.
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this LEGO animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus'' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!
Easter has been given a fresh look - through this LEGO animation! This Easter join us on the journey from Palm Sunday, all the way to Jesus'''' resurrection re-told in a unique and colourful way!