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We Need To Be Safe

The fourth part in a journey through Matthew's Gospel, suitable for all ages. A useful resource for family bible time during the school holidays.

We Need Jesus To Win

The fifth part in a journey through Matthew's Gospel, suitable for all ages. A useful resource for family bible time during the school holidays.

We Need To Trust Jesus

The third part in a journey through Matthew's Gospel, suitable for all ages. A useful resource for family bible time during the school holidays.

We Need To Be Clean

The second part in a journey through Matthew's Gospel, suitable for all ages. A useful resource for family bible time during the school holidays.

Adam’s Story of Satisfaction

Short Christian testimony video about how a satisfying relationship with God makes all the difference, both now and in the life to come.

Naomi’s Story of Satisfaction

Short Christian testimony video about trusting God’s loving purposes in emotional and physical struggles.

We Need A Rock

The first part in a journey through Matthew's Gospel, suitable for all ages. A useful resource for family bible time during the school holidays.

Thrive at Uni

Christian video about thriving when you go to university. How can you make the most of your university experience in the current circumstances?

Grow at Uni

Short video about how to grow as a Christian at university. Is church restrictive or beneficial and how do you share your faith with friends?

Arrive at Uni

Christian video about arriving at university for the first time and the challenges and opportunities in engaging with different cultures.

Belong at Uni

Short Christian video about finding belonging at university. Where can you find genuine acceptance when you leave home for the first time?

Engage at Uni

Video about how you might engage with current topics and issues as a Christian at university. How can you make a difference?

Christmas As We Once Knew It

Christmas 2020 will be different to what we once knew. But we can have real hope in Jesus, who went from the first Christmas to the cross. He defeated what no one else could and now walks us, in our pain, with the promise of a restored world.

The 12 Dais Of Christmas

A comic, Covid-spin on the 12 'Dais' of Christmas (via Zoom) - and a poignant reminder of the 1 day that brought a message of love to our messy world.

Away in a What?!

117-second Bible overview using stick figures that explores how the nativity fits in with the rest of the Bible and how it changes not just our Christmas, but our entire year and our entire life.

The Coming

Animation set to R.S. Thomas' advent poem 'The Coming', this Christmas video is a fresh exploration of what happened that first Christmas, when God the Father sent his only Son into his beautiful but broken creation.

Christmas Carol Rap

The gritty truth of Christmas told in a rap remix of the classic carol 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen', featuring the Carlisle Cathedral Choir & Andy Dykes.

The Greatest Journey

Follow the journeys of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds & the wise men with a creative poem and animated illustrations that children will love.

Make the Most of Christmas

Evangelistic Christan video about making the most of Christmas. When the presents are unwrapped and Christmas is over, what truly fulfills us?

Come Home For Christmas

Christian video exploring what home means to different people. A place of safety or hurt? This Christmas, accept Jesus' invitation to come home.

Christingle Service

Short animation that unpacks the meaning of Christingle and explains the significance of the orange, the red ribbon, the sweets and the candle.

Easter: What’s it all about?

What is Easter all about? Chocolate eggs and bunnies or a cross and an empty tomb? Find out what the people of Preston said in this video...


We were all born to die, is there really no escape? God doesn’t let down a rescue-rope, he sends a cannonball! Watch to find out more.

Good Friday: Live!

Imagine the events surrounding Good Friday unfolded today... What would the online reaction be? This short film was a Jerusalem Awards finalist.

Jesus Calls The First Disciples

In this engaging animation, we meet John the Baptist, witness a miraculous catch of fish and see Jesus calling of the first disciples.

Friend Of Sinners

Animation depicting events in the life of Jesus. Here, Jesus heals the sick and reaches out to those who are despised by others.

Walking On Water

Would you get out of the boat? Animation showing one of Jesus' miracles. Here, Peter steps out in faith towards Jesus - walking on the water!

Jesus In Jerusalem

Animation retelling key events in the life of Jesus. Here, we see Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem on a donkey and his anger in the temple.

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

What is Easter really all about? Powerful animation showing the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. He has risen...he is alive!

Arms Wide Open

This powerful poem about the Easter story exemplifies the extent of God's love, how he came down to Earth, suffered and died for all peoples.

The Super Cool Story of Jesus

A beautifully animated video showing the amazing things that Jesus said and did to show how God loves us.

Servant Song

Are joy and peace beyond our reach? "Servant Song" meditates on how Jesus's life, death and resurrection bring life and hope to our brokenness.

Jerusalem – Animated Video

A powerful animation of Jesus' death and resurrection to fit with the lyrics of the hymn 'Jerusalem'.

The Seriously Surprising Story

Follow in the footsteps of Jesus’ followers as they get talking to someone who gives them the biggest surprise of all! Jesus' surprising story.

Dr Max Finds The Facts

Quirky Dr Max loves facts. Surely one fact is certain - no one beats death. Or is it?

On The Way To Jerusalem

A funny thing happened on the way to Jerusalem... Watch this video for Easter themed stand-up poetry about the comedy behind Easter.

On The Way To The Execution

This spoken word poem unpacks the sad humour and irony in Jesus' execution.

On The Way To The Tomb

Spoken word video from Speak Life about the humour and irony surrounding Jesus' resurrection.

Jesus Came To Rescue ___

A powerful video by Christians in Sport exploring the message of Luke 19:10. Who did Jesus come for? A great gospel explanation for the sporty.

Roll Away Your Stone

Explore why the empty tomb mattered to Mary and the others, and still does to millions around the world today.

Three Friends and the Miracle Man

Follow Simeon and Miriam in this animated Easter Story as they meet the 'Miracle Man' and find out why he came!

Sacrifice At The Cinema

We see it many times - a hero giving themselves for others, and it resonates with us. Why? Is it to do with the greatest story ever told?

Beauty And The Beast

Children love "Beauty and the Beast", but what happens if Beast dies, is that a good ending? And what about us? Can we have a good ending?

Authored To Die

Spoken word Christian video of the author of life rewriting history to come down into time and space and die on Good Friday as an offering for humanity's sin.

I Am Pilate

A journalist is sent to the home of the former district governor, but his routine obituary fact check reveals an extraordinary secret.

Part 2, Resurrection

From heartbreak to joy three days later, witness the realisation of Jesus’ certain victory through Peter’s eyes. Jesus went from fully perfect to fully broken so we could be fully fixed and forgiven, forever.

Part 1, Denial

Witness the emotional turmoil of events before Easter Sunday through the man who watched from the sidelines. Spoken word by Dai Woolridge from the perspective of Peter.

The Ultimate Bucket List (Subtitled Version)

What''s on your bucket list? Out of all the 1001 fun things to do, what''s the 1 essential thing you must do before you die?

2020 Vision

Have you got 20/20 Vision? Watch this video to find out how to see clearly at the start of this New Year!

There’s a Dragon in my Nativity!

Explore the truth of the unseen dragon at Christmas, and the dragon slayer who came to the manger.

Year in Search 2019

In 2019, the world asked "What?" more than ever. We search the internet for answers to our biggest questions. What can save us?

Starting Line

Jesus’ birth is both the original starting line and the finishing line. Instead of striving for human glory, Jesus asks us to follow him instead.


Jesus didn’t just enter the mess of a downstairs room with a feeding trough, he entered the mess of our world too as the Messi.a.h. who would change everything.

LEGO Easter Tomb – Instruction Booklet

Download the instruction booklet for our LEGO Easter Tomb build for free, which includes a list of the parts needed (or you can just use similar ones). We hope you have fun making this custom set!

4 Kinds of Christmas

Are you a Scrooge, a Shopper, a Santa... or a Stable-visitor? Dig a little deeper this Christmas, and return to the stable to discover the real meaning of the manger in the mess.

Love Her Like Him

Spoken word Christian video: “Love her brother like you are the eternal lover who turned heaven and earth upside down to find us.”

Year in Search 2017

Watch this review of 2017. A year dominated by fake news and broken political promises has left many longing for truth. Where can we find truth?

Year In Search 2016

Loss, success, division, achievement: see this montage of the highs and lows of the drama of 2016 and consider where do you place your hope?