A thought-provoking video from UCCF to go with their Uncover Mark project. Are we really alone in this life? Are we lost or are we found?
Thought-provoking Christian video - Cambridge University Lecturer points out some surprising facts about the reliability of Mark's Gospel.
Creative Christian video explaining the main message found in the Gospels and the good news about Jesus into just 90 seconds.
In the world of sport, we see success, talent, and strength but also failure, anxiety, and insecurity. But who did Jesus come to seek and save?
Have you ever wondered where God is when things are going wrong? This video explains the comfort of knowing that God has an unstoppable plan!
A video exploring what people view as the most significant problems facing us today. But what did Jesus think on the subject? What was his solution?
Vinny shares his story through pottery of how Jesus changed his life and about how God can centre our life and make something beautiful out of it.
In this creative Christian video, a Father remembers the moment his adopted child was welcomed into his family and reflects on God as a Father.
Have you ever truly experienced hunger? Short Christian video about Jesus' commitment to the Scriptures, and being hungry for the Word of God.
Who can command the wind and waves? Only the Creator can quiet the chaos. Short Christian video about Jesus calming the storm.
This powerfully animated Christian video tells the story of a monster and explores how we have all done wrong, and need forgiveness.
The only ‘pass’ we’ll ever need, the best freedom on offer and a joy that isn’t dependent on performance or success: a spoken word letter to students.
In a world full of thousands of questions, uncertainties and disappointments knowing Jesus' true identity changes everything. This is the greatest, most important question anyone can answer. What's yours?
Fast-paced Christian video telling Jesus’ amazing life story as told in the gospels, condensed down to just 3 1/2 minutes!
A thoughtshort video exploring the origins of life through the metaphor of water. It asks not just ‘how?’ or ‘where?’ life began – but ‘why?’
Children's video about God growing His church to change the world, with the example of God using the apostle Paul's preaching to grow the church
Children's Christian video about God speaking light and life into the world forever in Jesus, who helps us know God and have eternal life with Him.
Short Christian video creatively showing that the Bible is key to knowing God - it points to Him. Through his Word, God has made himself known.
This Christmas watch this musical comedy that follows the journey of an unopened Christmas present that no one seems to want.
What could be better than discovering George Best's talent? Watch this video to find out more about Jesus's claim to be the greatest treasure
Challenging Christian video - Holy Sweat - Spoken Word performance encouraging us that we are not working for salvation, but for God's glory.
A woman's very powerful and personal video testimony about being freed from drug use and finding reconciliation through forgiveness in Christ.
Whatever kind of mothering role you have, know that you are seen, you are valued and this day is all about you.
Here are some fascinating facts about the Queen to mark her 90th Birthday, most intriguing of all, find out whom she serves in "The Queen's King"
Coaches inspire, Jesus does more than inspire. Watch "Life to the Full" to find out about the amazing offer Jesus is making to you!
We can't see Jesus now, but he's not far away. Be encouraged by Jesus' promise that he is with his people always, to the very end of the age.
Whether the dog ate their homework or they feel on top of the world, this creative video unpacks Lamentations 3:22-23 to practically encourage kids in their daily walk with God.
Powerful evangelistic video - ex-terrorist Billy McCurrie talks about the Troubles, how he became a Christian in Maze prison and his life now.
Illustrated children's video about how Christians can rejoice in everything now, because of all we have in Jesus forever, using Paul's example.
During the April 2020 lockdown a choir from across South Africa united to sing a blessing over their nation as part of a world wide movement.
This video tells a generational war story that was passed down to reiterate the bravery, integrity and courage by all those who fought in the war and are serving in the armed forces today. The video uses this family tale to illustrate Jesus death in a really simple and relevant style.
Short Christian testimony video about how a satisfying relationship with God makes all the difference, both now and in the life to come.
Short Christian testimony video about trusting God’s loving purposes in emotional and physical struggles.
Hats tell us about the wearer, so what does Jesus' crown tell us about him? Creative watercolour illustrations with a helpful script to help little ones understand the importance of Jesus' crown.
Artistic illustration featuring a delightful voiceover conversation with an 8 year old discussing whether to listen to the wise or foolish voice when a crisis hits.
The first Christmas day led to the day when Jesus victoriously defeated darkness, pain and fear with his light, cure and hope.
Christmas 2020 will be different to what we once knew. But we can have real hope in Jesus, who went from the first Christmas to the cross. He defeated what no one else could and now walks us, in our pain, with the promise of a restored world.
A comic, Covid-spin on the 12 'Dais' of Christmas (via Zoom) - and a poignant reminder of the 1 day that brought a message of love to our messy world.
Una animación 'stop-motion' que usa Playmobil para explicar la historia de Martín Lutero y la Reforma.
Uma animação em stop motion que usa Playmobil para contar a história de Martinho Lutero e da Reforma Protestante.
Animazione che usa Playmobil per raccontare la storia di Martin Lutero e della Riforma Protestante.
Animation image par image avec personnages Playmobil qui retrace l'histoire de Martin Luther et de la Réforme Protestante.
Thoughtful animation that says 'thank you' to our dads for pointing us to God and sensitively acknowledges the sadness that surrounds Father's Day for some.
What does God the Father say to his beloved children? Explore the relationship between God the Father and his beloved children in a series of text messages that reveal the extent of his love and why he is the greatest father.
117-second Bible overview using stick figures that explores how the nativity fits in with the rest of the Bible and how it changes not just our Christmas, but our entire year and our entire life.
Animation set to R.S. Thomas' advent poem 'The Coming', this Christmas video is a fresh exploration of what happened that first Christmas, when God the Father sent his only Son into his beautiful but broken creation.
The gritty truth of Christmas told in a rap remix of the classic carol 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen', featuring the Carlisle Cathedral Choir & Andy Dykes.
Follow the journeys of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds & the wise men with a creative poem and animated illustrations that children will love.
Evangelistic Christan video about making the most of Christmas. When the presents are unwrapped and Christmas is over, what truly fulfills us?
Christian video exploring what home means to different people. A place of safety or hurt? This Christmas, accept Jesus' invitation to come home.
Resolutions seem designed to show weakness. This poem explains Jesus kept his resolution to free us from failure as he cried “It is finished!”
Do you box Jesus up like a present under the tree, or recognise him as your only hope, the one who lasts forever, even when Christmas is over?
The message of Christmas is good news - well good news! Discover God's plan to rescue us and see how the nativity story fits in with the rest of the Bible.
Short animation that unpacks the meaning of Christingle and explains the significance of the orange, the red ribbon, the sweets and the candle.
What is Easter all about? Chocolate eggs and bunnies or a cross and an empty tomb? Find out what the people of Preston said in this video...
...and he knows yours. But do you really know him? The Christian faith isn't about having the right answers, but about a personal relationship with Jesus who came to save us.
We were all born to die, is there really no escape? God doesn’t let down a rescue-rope, he sends a cannonball! Watch to find out more.
Imagine the events surrounding Good Friday unfolded today... What would the online reaction be? This short film was a Jerusalem Awards finalist.
This powerful poem about the Easter story exemplifies the extent of God's love, how he came down to Earth, suffered and died for all peoples.
A beautifully animated video showing the amazing things that Jesus said and did to show how God loves us.
Are joy and peace beyond our reach? "Servant Song" meditates on how Jesus's life, death and resurrection bring life and hope to our brokenness.
A powerful animation of Jesus' death and resurrection to fit with the lyrics of the hymn 'Jerusalem'.
Follow in the footsteps of Jesus’ followers as they get talking to someone who gives them the biggest surprise of all! Jesus' surprising story.
Quirky Dr Max loves facts. Surely one fact is certain - no one beats death. Or is it?
A powerful video by Christians in Sport exploring the message of Luke 19:10. Who did Jesus come for? A great gospel explanation for the sporty.
Explore why the empty tomb mattered to Mary and the others, and still does to millions around the world today.
Follow Simeon and Miriam in this animated Easter Story as they meet the 'Miracle Man' and find out why he came!
Award winning computer game, That Dragon, Cancer is a game that mirrors life because it is unwinnable; we all face death. But is there hope?
We see it many times - a hero giving themselves for others, and it resonates with us. Why? Is it to do with the greatest story ever told?
Children love "Beauty and the Beast", but what happens if Beast dies, is that a good ending? And what about us? Can we have a good ending?
Spoken word Christian video of the author of life rewriting history to come down into time and space and die on Good Friday as an offering for humanity's sin.
A journalist is sent to the home of the former district governor, but his routine obituary fact check reveals an extraordinary secret.
Beautiful spoken word poem that unpacks what God’s grace means: the release from the burden of earning approval, the relief of no longer doing it my way, a tender invitation to surrender.
Infinitely more powerful than our wishes and dreams, God’s hope welcomes outsiders in and provides a secure foundation for weary souls.
Powerful spoken word poem that reels off all the ways Jesus has loved us, and leaves us challenged to follow his self-sacrificial example.
Soon after Sarah's 12 week scan she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Sarah shares her story of battling cancer and the hope she had.
Thoughtful animation with easy-to-read subtitles that acknowledges the emotions around Mother's Day: tension, sadness, joy and thankfulness for the women in our lives who have loved us.
Have you noticed that we can be less scared depending on who we’re with? The Bible tells us that the Almighty God is with us - always.
Another lockdown, 2 millennia ago: what does the apostle Paul write from prison? ‘Do not be anxious. Pray and receive God’s peace.’
The last year has seen love in action like no other - but we're not lovely all the time. How did God love unlovely people? He gave up his only Son and loved us - first.
Where does love come from? Why do we love at all? This Valentine’s watch the greatest love story ever written.
So often we fail to keep our New Year’s Resolutions. This video tells the story of a promise we can rely on. A story of the real promised solution.
Vinny shares his story through pottery of how Jesus changed his life and about how God can centre our life and make something beautiful out of it.
Soon after Sarah's 12 week scan she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Sarah shares her story of battling cancer and the hope she had.
Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.
What could be more extravagant, more incredible than the wonder of nature that we see around us on Planet Earth?
It’s one of many well-loved traditions surrounding the FA Cup: thousands sing “Abide with me” before each final… but what do the words mean?
What''s on your bucket list? Out of all the 1001 fun things to do, what''s the 1 essential thing you must do before you die?
Our world is weary and broken. And as much as we pretend, are we ever satisfied? We need a light in the darkness. So, into our dark world, steps the Light.
We place Christmas on a pedestal of gifts, family time and joy - but this Christmas might feel far from perfect. The first Christmas wasn't perfect either: a filthy stable, a genocidal king, and a refugee baby who would save us.
How would you describe Christmas in three words? Pigs in blankets? Strictly come dancing? Eating too much? One way the Bible describes Christmas is “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). This short video is perfect for Carol services, Christmas services, or just as a shareable video to send around to your friends. Download now in full HD.
*or can they? See the miracle of Jesus's birth through the eyes of Joseph and be amazed that God broke the natural laws of everyday life to give us his Son!
Gallwn fod mor brysur yn paratoi a phoeni beth sydd gan y siopau i'w gwerthu i ni, fel ein bod yn colli'r peth pwysicaf oll. Yr hyn sydd gan Dduw i'w roi i ni.
What gives you joy? A mountain top view? A feeling of excitement? Music? No homework? This short Christian video looks at what gives real joy.
Paul Syrstad performs a powerful spoken word poem. As image bearers, God has made us for an amazing purpose - will we live it out?
A powerful Christian spoken word video about how to actively continue rejoicing in Jesus rather than taking God's grace and love for granted.
Human beings: accident or design? "You" explores just a few of the incredible things about you and introduces your amazing designer.
Who smuggled nuns out of a convent in barrels and lived disguised in a castle? Find our more about Martin Luther in our Playmobil Stop motion animation.