Download Tag: R

Don’t be Scared

Are you heading back to school soon? Did you know that God promises to be with anyone who is trusting in him!

Jesus is Alive!

Jesus' resurrection changed everything for Peter - and changes everything for us too! Creative watercolour illustrations and a thoughtful script will help all ages understand what happened between Jesus' death and the early church beginning!

Mother’s Day

Thoughtful animation that acknowledges the emotions around Mother's Day: tension, sadness, joy and thankfulness for the women in our lives who have loved us.

I’m Full cos it was Empty

When it boils down to it - Easter is central to the Christian faith. Who would have thought that a weekend would have been so key to the fate of humanity? The reality is we can find fullness and full-on forgiveness because Jesus rose from the tomb.

All Creatures Of Our God And King (Advent)

Phil Moore's recording of Ben Clube's advent adaptation of this classic hymn joyfully points us to what Christmas is really about in the midst of uncertainty - our King.

Welcome Home

Phil Moore’s original ‘Welcome Home’ looks back to Jesus’ birth in our home - this broken world - in order to bring us to our true home with him.

Angels From The Realms Of Glory

Join the angels in praising God for Jesus’ birth in this classic but lesser-known carol with a modern twist. Ideal for online or in-person carol services.

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Join the herald angels in contemplating the birth of God’ Son in this carol where the gospel truths of the lyrics stand out in the simpler chords.

O Come All Ye Faithful

Come and adore Christ the Lord with this jazzed-up carol that offers a modern twist on familiar tune, blending piano, drums and harmonious vocals.

Silent Night

Phil Moore has produced a beautiful rendition of this familiar carol with a stunning female solo that preserves the traditional tune and pitch.

We Have A Lamb

Phil Moore’s new original ‘We Have a Lamb’ looks beyond Jesus’ birth to the hope he offers: at the cross, of fulfilment and as our sacrificial Lamb.

When The Word Of God

From Phil Moore’s album Home for Christmas: Carols for a very different Christmas. A Phil Moore original, this song traces the Word of God: from creation’s beauty and order, to the prophets’ teaching, to Jesus the Word in flesh, to finally hearing, believing and sharing Jesus’ words of life and freedom.

Hope for a Hopeless World

Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certainty of the hope God offers in Jesus. How hopeful are you feeling?


Students discuss questions of life, humanity, and faith, as part of Durham University's Christian Union event: Human.

Duncan’s Story

Great Christian testimony video of how God used the Psalms to speak powerfully and personally to convict Duncan of his sin and need to be cleansed.


From creation to fall, redemption to new creation – this is the Bible's story in four beats. A Spoken Word video performed by Dai Woolridge.

The Best Invitation Ever

What's the best invitation you've ever received? Watch "Essentials" to find out the amazing invitation that God is offering you today...


A thought short video exploring a culture where we seem happy to voice our own opinions, but not listen to others. A great discussion starter.

Before I die I want to…

How would you finish this sentence? Before I die I want to... A church in London asked passers-by to scribble down their life ambitions…

The Story of Genesis: God Keeps His Promises

Imagine having a baby when you're 100 years old! That's what happened to Abraham and Sarah, because God is powerful to keep his promises and gave them a son, even in their old age.

The Story of Genesis: God Cares

Sarah sent Ishamael and Hagar away but God promised to make Ishmael into a great nation and take care of him, even though he wasn't the promised son. Abraham trusted God, and God provided a safe place for them to live.

The Story of Genesis: God Provides

Imagine having to give up what is most precious to you! Could you do it? God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham obeyed, even though it was scary. But then God provided a sheep to be sacrificed instead. Because Abraham had not even withheld his only son from God, God gave him a BIG promise of many descendants and great blessing!

The Story of Genesis: God Guides

God sent a special sign to Abraham's servant to show that Rebecca was the right choice to be Isaac's wife! Isaac and Rebecca were married, and God's promises of a great nation began to be fulfilled! Today, we can look at God's word to guide us even when things are difficult.

The Story of Genesis: Deceiving

Jacob and Rebecca tricked Isaac into giving Jacob his blessing, instead of Esau. When we lie to each other, there are sad consequences. But amazingly, God is still able to work through people's sin to keep his promises.

The Story of Genesis: Trusting God

The night before Jacob met Esau, he wrestled with a mysterious man! The man gave Jacob a new name: 'Israel', which means 'to wrestle with God'. The struggle showed Jacob that he could trust God, even when it was scary!

Jesus Walks on Water

In the 2nd episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', we see him walking on water and calming a storm. Wow - only God could do that! Watch to discover what happens to Peter...

The Story of Genesis: Jacob’s Dream

Jacob had a dream of a stairway to heaven filled with angels, with God at the top. God made the same 3 BIG promises he'd made to Abraham to Jacob of many descendants to fill the promised land, and enjoy great blessing.

Jesus is Risen!

In the last episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', Jesus rises from the dead! He has defeated death and we can come to him for forgiveness and eternal life, when we will know fully what it's like to be with Jesus.

Jesus Dies to Save Us

In the fifth episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', we see that Jesus' death was all part of God's plan to save us from sin. We can say "sorry" to God and "thank you" to Jesus for rescuing us!

The Last Supper

In the fourth episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', Jesus gives his friends a special meal to remember him by: bread and wine to show his death on the cross to save us from our sins.

“Who do you say I am?”

In the third episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', Jesus asks his followers, "who do you say I am?" Peter answers 'the Messiah', which means God's special king. How would you answer Jesus' question?

Jesus Calls His First Followers

In the first episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?' we meet Simon, Andrew, James and John who leave EVERYTHING to follow Jesus and have their lives changed and transformed by him!

The Story of Genesis: God Calls Abraham

God made three BIG promises to Abraham to do with the promised land, lots of children, and great blessing. These promises were God's grace to those who didn't deserve it but were loved by God.

The Story of Genesis: Jacob is Deceived

Laban tricked Jacob the same way Jacob tricked Esau. But despite Laban's lies and deceit, God looked after Jacob and his family. God's plans are much bigger than human plans so nothing can get in the way of him keeping his promises.

The Story of Genesis: Lot’s Choice

Lot moved to Sodom which had an impressive town and lots of green spaces. But Abraham didn't focus on what looked best. Instead, he trusted in what God had in store for him. Today, we can trust God and turn to him when making decisions by reading God's word in the Bible and praying.

The Story of Genesis: The Flood

The story of the Flood teaches us how S.I.N. makes God feel, how God punishes sin and how God provides a rescue for those who trust in him. Whenever we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember God's promise to rescue those who trust in him through Jesus!

The Story of Genesis: The Fall

The Fall is when S.I.N. came into the world. Sin is when we say 'Shove off God, I'm in charge, No to your rule.' In the garden, the man and woman lived happily in relationship with God - until the crafty serpent tempted them to eat fruit forbidden by God.

The Story of Genesis: Creation

Genesis means the "beginning". When the world began, God didn't need any ingredients or art supplies - there was nothing there. Instead, God created the world by speaking.

Don’t be Scared (Subtitled Version)

Are you heading back to school soon? Did you know that God promises to be with anyone who is trusting in him!

Planet Earth II (Subtitled Version)

Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.

God Made Everything Series Bundle

Illustrated animation of days 1-7 of creation and the Fall for children aged 2-7 years old. Unpack how God made a beautiful and ordered world in days 1-7 of creation.

Meals With Jesus Series Bundle

Meals with Jesus is a nine-episode children’s animated series that follows nine meals Jesus had with people in Luke’s gospel.

Where is Your God?

Where is your God? - here's an answer to this familiar question through a contemporary reflection on Psalm 42's repeated refrain.

Parable Of The Lost Sheep

Creative Christian animation depicting Jesus' parable of the lost sheep - how far would a shepherd go to find one lost sheep?

Parable Of The Sower

Christian animation depicting one of Jesus famous teachings, The Parable of the Sower - how do we hear and receive God's Word?

Playing For God

Do you play in a way that honours God? Watch "Playing for God" and be inspired to give your game an eternal significance!

Parable Of The Talents

Creative Christian animation depicting Jesus' parable of the talents - how should we use the gifts that God has given to us?

Parable Of The Good Samaritan

Short Christian animation showing Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan found in the Bible - what does it mean to 'love our neighbour?'

Jesus Heals The Paralytic

This animation explores the wonder of Jesus' healing of a paralysed man.

Being a Christian at University

A great video for Christians starting uni. A range of students share their experience of living for Jesus where they are and give their top-tips.

Starting University As A Christian

Students give their 10 top tips for getting the most out of University life in this Christian video, from starting University to finding a church.

Make Way for the King

A Christians In Sport video investigating the claim of Matthew's Gospel. Is he really King of all? Will we make way for him?

Halloween: Trick or Treat?

Kids in costumes and candle-lit pumpkins... this video by Glen Scrivener takes a closer look at the origin and message of All Hallows Eve!

Strange New World

This UCCF video explores what it feels like to be a Fresher and invites everyone to explore the bigger questions in life at their Christian Union.

To End All Wars

"The pressing question./What can halt inborn aggression?". If war is to cease, our hearts have to change. Find out how, watch "To End All Wars".


"Sport will fade away and be a distant memory," says Garin Jenkins, Welsh rugby star. Watch this video to find out why this doesn't worry him.

The Two Sides of Sport

A powerful video by Christians in Sport with interviews from Garin Jenkins, Jonathan Webb and Ann O'Flynn.

Woman at the Well

The story of the Samaritan woman at the well is a revealing one; it shows how Jesus tore down the walls of exclusion and that grace is for all.

Born to Play

Who are you playing for? Have you ever wondered if there's a better way to play? "Born to Play" suggests a way to raise your game.

What Would You Do?

A real-life take on the parable of the Good Samaritan. A thought provoking film by the Bible Society showing the power of genuine love and kindness.

Parable Of The Lost Son

Christian video brilliantly reimagines what Jesus' famous teaching of the parable of the Prodigal Son may look like today.

Life According to Jesus in 321

Have you ever wondered what Jesus makes of the big issues: God, the World, and You? Watch "Life According to Jesus in 3,2,1" to find out!

What Does The Bible Say About Sport?

Animated Christian video made by Christians in Sport. How can we use our talents and gifts in sport for good - to worship God?

Real Life

All Hail King Bale? Is there really anyone who deserves this much glory? Watch this video to discover the real, eternal king.

Real lives: The Olympian

Short Christian video - Olympic rower and double silver medallist Debbie Flood chats about her identity as an athlete and a follower of Jesus.


Powerful short video likening life's uncertainties with the unpredictable nature of the sea. What will see us through the storm?

Essentials 5: Response

When do I know enough about Jesus to become a Christian? How do I become a Christian? Find out by watching "Essentials 5: Response".

Essentials 4: Relationship

How generous is God? Watch "Essentials 4: Relationship" to find out exactly what God offers us if we decide to follow him...

The Armour of God

Lively Christian music video for kids about putting on the armour of God to prepare for battles they will face as Christians in the world.

Your Invisible Weapon

Thought-provoking Christian video. Our words are our own invisible weapon: a force for good or bad. Will we build others up, or tear them down?

How to find the Wonder

A humorous, vlog style video on finding 'the wonder' in everyday routine. A light-hearted reflection on how we speed through life.

Dealing with disappointment

Short Christian video - Adam Pengilly's story of disappointment at the Winter Olympics and how his Christian faith helped him get through it.

The Two Sides of Sport

A powerful video by Christians in Sport with interviews from Debbie Flood, Linvoy Primus and Garin Jenkins.

A Conversation with the Homeless

Imagine having no one to talk to - Thought-provoking video showing how one conversation can make a big difference for the homeless.

Can Love Restore Humanity

This video explains how the incredible love story of Beauty and the Beast echoes another, a far greater love story; one that is not only true but also involves us all.


Short video exploring the majestic nature of lions. A great discussion starter helping people to think about what or who they follow!

Debbie Flood – My Story

In this Christian video, athlete Debbie Flood discusses her experiences competing in the Olympics and shares her faith story.

The Light

How a young man overcame addiction and discovered the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ.

The Ultimate Bucket List

What's on your bucket list? Out of all the 1001 fun things to do, what's the 1 essential thing you must do before you die?

Essentials 3: Rescue

What's the biggest danger you face today? Watch “Essentials 3: Rescue” to find out what God says it is, and why there's also amazing news.

Essentials 1: Reveal

Discover the life-changing truth that God has engaged us in conversation! Watch “Essentials 1: Reveal” to find out more...


What do you find in barren places? A thoughtshort video exploring our desire to 'connect' with something greater.

Behind the Scenes: Luther Animation

Do playmobil actors do all their own stunts? Find out in this brief look behind the scenes of the Martin Luther Playmobil animation.

It’s Not Fair

Where is God when tragedy strikes? Watching from the sidelines, powerless to help? Find out what the Bible tells us, watch "It's not fair".

I’m Not That Bad

If the required standard's perfection, what hope have I got? "I'm not that Bad" shares the secret to living free from judgement and free from fear.

The Man Upstairs

Is God just a bad tempered old man living in the sky? That wouldn't be good news! Watch "The Man Upstairs" to discover how God describes himself.


Short video exploring the way each of us 'sees' the world uniquely. A great discussion starter on plausibility structures or worldviews.

The Old Testament Journey in 3 ½ minutes

Fast-paced Christian animation giving a snapshot of Israel's journey through the Old Testament - in just three and a half minutes!


This thought-provoking Christian video takes a fresh look at the Beatitudes, from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. What does it mean to be blessed?

Story (DUCU)

Students share their own faith stories in this Christian video, as part of Durham University's Christian Union event: Story.

No Comparison

Love sport a bit too much? Watch "No Comparison" now to put things in perspective and remind yourself of the bigger picture...

The Early Church Journey in 3 ½ minutes

Creative Christian animation showing the action-packed beginnings of the Early Church after Jesus, as found in the New Testament.


Jesus asks Peter ‘Who do you say I am?’. This Uncover video asks: Does it matter how people define us? Who are we? Who is Jesus?

Mad Titan or Saviour?

This short evangelistic video explores themes of salvation through sacrifice in Avengers Infinity War, comparing it with the salvation of Jesus.

The Greatest Event in the World

The World Cup is always an epic occasion, full of amazing moments. But what is the greatest event of all time?

In the Beginning

It's the ultimate question and the biggest mystery: what happened in the beginning? This thought-provoking Christian video explores some answers.

Anybody Home?

A thought-provoking video from UCCF to go with their Uncover Mark project. Are we really alone in this life? Are we lost or are we found?

Is Mark’s Story Reliable?

Thought-provoking Christian video - Cambridge University Lecturer points out some surprising facts about the reliability of Mark's Gospel.

Good News in 90 Seconds

Creative Christian video explaining the main message found in the Gospels and the good news about Jesus into just 90 seconds.


In the world of sport, we see success, talent, and strength but also failure, anxiety, and insecurity. But who did Jesus come to seek and save?