'Tis the season to be busy! Short, evangelistic animation that explains the good news of Christmas and how we can be ready to receive Jesus.
In the busyness of the season, this Christian video reminds us that before the very first Christmas, God was getting ready to give the gift of Jesus. Subtitled Version.
The Christmas story is about God sending his Son, Immanuel, to be 'God with us'. Jesus endured separation from his Father to offer us salvation from eternal isolation, as well as honesty and openness with God now.
If you were Joseph, and you put two and two together, what would you come up with? Spoken word with a modern twist exploring Joseph's perspective of Mary's pregnancy.
Join Mary, the angels and Simeon in praising God for keeping his promises, and for the birth of Jesus in this beautifully illustrated animation. British Sign Language Version.
What makes Christmas a truly happy or merry time? What and why do we celebrate? Unpack three names given to the baby in the manger: "Christ", "Jesus" and "Immanuel" meaning 'God with us'. Merry Christmas!
Children’s animated retelling with subtitles of what happened when a poor shepherd boy and a rich king met a very special baby. Although very different, both discover that Jesus is the saviour everyone needs, no matter who they are.
Children's animated retelling of what happened when a poor shepherd boy and a rich king met a very special baby. Although very different, both discover that Jesus is the saviour everyone needs, no matter who they are.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of 'While shepherds watched their flocks by night'! British Sign Language Version.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of 'While shepherds watched their flocks by night'! Subtitled Version.
Join in the adventure with this all-age animated Christmas video created by Faith in Kids with a catchy rendition of 'While shepherds watched their flocks by night'!
We were lost in sin's darkness until the star over the manger marked the birth of the Light of the world, who would bring eternal light and life into our hearts.
For many, Christmas will be a hard time, full of loneliness, homelessness or loss. But that first Christmas, Jesus came to bring light to those dark places.
Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certainty of the hope God offers in Jesus. How hopeful are you feeling?
The Last Post, accompanied by striking illustrations of soldiers from wars across history and the world, followed by a two minute's silence and the Rouse.
Without being prescriptive or judgemental, this creative and accessible stop-motion animation puts the climate change emergency in the Biblical context of our greed and selfishness, calls us to respond and points us to the promise of a forever perfect world.
Sin is often connoted to the really bad deeds, like murder or stealing. Yet we explore in this video that sin is really imperfection: missing the mark of God’s perfect standard for humankind.
A call to pray, to live, to speak, to love and to walk this good news out. Maybe it's the way we walk?
This engaging animation retells the parable of the sower. Jesus told this parable to represent the contrasting responses to the gospel, which is your response?
This video is a powerful representation of how God chose to die for us and loves us despite our sinful, broken ways. Matt Chandler tells his story of being at a youth conference where the speaker spoke about sexual sin using a single red rose.
Spoken word for Black History Month from the perspective of a white person with adopted black siblings, that looks to diagnose the deep-rooted problems beneath racism.
Paul Faulkner unpacks the complexity of being "equal parts black and British", beginning with his grandfather's arrival, 60 years ago, and looking forward to a loving, diverse church family for his own grandchildren, 60 years later.
Are you struggling to keep going? God doesn't promise us that it'll go away today, but he does promise lasting peace one day.
The Jewish Bible contained over 100 promises about an exceptional person who would come to save the world. This video explores what the chances are of this person actually arriving.
Students discuss questions of life, humanity, and faith, as part of Durham University's Christian Union event: Human.
Great Christian testimony video of how God used the Psalms to speak powerfully and personally to convict Duncan of his sin and need to be cleansed.
From creation to fall, redemption to new creation – this is the Bible's story in four beats. A Spoken Word video performed by Dai Woolridge.
A boiled-down explanatory video about what Christianity is, what Jesus has to do with it, how to become a Christian and how it impacts your life.
Christian video clearly explaining John 14:6 to show that Jesus is being honest not intolerant when He says He is the only way to God.
Christian video testimony of a woman asking God for courage in the face of multiple miscarriages, and how He freed her from fear of the occult.
A thought short video exploring a culture where we seem happy to voice our own opinions, but not listen to others. A great discussion starter.
How would you finish this sentence? Before I die I want to... A church in London asked passers-by to scribble down their life ambitions…
In the Bible, God made a BIG promise to his people when they were scared about going to a new place. He told, ''be strong and courageous... I am with you, wherever you go''. So whether we're nervous or excited, we can trust God's promise to be with us as we go back to school.
Are you heading back to school soon? Did you know that God promises to be with anyone who is trusting in him!
The 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo bring together athletes from different ages, classes, race and countries. Sport gives us a wonderful picture of running the race of the Christian life alongside Jesus and knowing he has already secured our victory.
Resolutions seem designed to show weakness. This poem explains Jesus kept his resolution to free us from failure as he cried “It is finished!”
Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.
Our children are handling some big emotions: loneliness, fear, worry, confusion. They may be small, but the pressures on them can be huge. Let's teach our children to turn to God with these emotions, so he can tend to their troubled hearts.
Since the fall, we've been covering up. Can we be accepted? This video looks at how our sin is dealt with by God. Instead of trying to cover up our shame, we see in Jesus an offer of full acceptance.
Jesus is the most influential but also controversial person in history. He's been labelled a liar and lunatic, but what does Jesus have to say about himself? Ben unpacks John 8:48-59 to explore Jesus' claims and whether he is God.
A spoken word lament that honestly unpacks the rawness of grief and suffering, and then points to God who holds our fragile hearts, strengthens our stumbling faith and who died so we can live in hope now of an eternally perfect future.
A modern, Pilgrim's Progress-style analogy of the cross' great exchange. On his journey through Town, Man loses his valuable ticket to a seat on an aeroplane that will take him far away. Who will pay the price for a new one?
Hear everyday Christians from the North of England, like Brad, share their stories of how Jesus has changed them. Listen to Brad's challenging call for Christians to be more intentional about ministry and evangelism in the North.
With honesty and warmth, Howie answers these two questions and unpacks just what sex is. Sex is more than just 2 people coming together in a physical act of intimacy. Sex, as God designed it, is the most powerful glue on the planet.
What if the Church had the audacity to imitate God's love by serving strangers in need of a kidney transplant? Listen to Joe Walsh, founder of Faith in Operation, explain how the Christian faith can be put into operation.
Jamie Jones Buchanan was a professional rugby league player. Watch his journey to faith and how it transformed rugby, family and winning for him.
Hear everyday Christians from the North of England, like Levi, share their stories of how Jesus has changed them. Listen to the secure identity Levi has found in Jesus and now shares with the Japanese.
Hear everyday Christians from the North of England, like Brad, share their stories of how Jesus has changed them. Listen to Brad's challenging call for Christians to be more intentional about ministry and evangelism in the North.
To the people who’ve reached their end, there is someone who will never let go of you, never stop fighting for you, and never give up on you.
The voices of failure, fear, pain and regret can be overwhelming. But there is real and lasting hope that gives value, purpose and strength to withstand the storm. This hope has a name.
Like Euro 2020, the Christian story is also one of great expectations and hope of a great victory. But when Jesus arrived, he wasn't the winner everyone expected. Was there more to the cross than defeat?
What does God the Father say to his beloved children? Explore the relationship between God the Father and his beloved children in a series of text messages that reveal the extent of his love and why he is the greatest father.
Where is your God? - here's an answer to this familiar question through a contemporary reflection on Psalm 42's repeated refrain.
Do you play in a way that honours God? Watch "Playing for God" and be inspired to give your game an eternal significance!
Is God a giant Father Christmas? A moralistic dispenser of stuff - someone who's watching and waiting to spot our mistakes? Or is there something more to him?
Christian animation showing Jesus' parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders - why is it important to build our lives on a firm foundation?
Short Christian animation showing Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan found in the Bible - what does it mean to 'love our neighbour?'
Students give their 10 top tips for getting the most out of University life in this Christian video, from starting University to finding a church.
A Christians In Sport video investigating the claim of Matthew's Gospel. Is he really King of all? Will we make way for him?
Kids in costumes and candle-lit pumpkins... this video by Glen Scrivener takes a closer look at the origin and message of All Hallows Eve!
This UCCF video explores what it feels like to be a Fresher and invites everyone to explore the bigger questions in life at their Christian Union.
"The pressing question./What can halt inborn aggression?". If war is to cease, our hearts have to change. Find out how, watch "To End All Wars".
"Sport will fade away and be a distant memory," says Garin Jenkins, Welsh rugby star. Watch this video to find out why this doesn't worry him.
A powerful video by Christians in Sport with interviews from Garin Jenkins, Jonathan Webb and Ann O'Flynn.
The story of the Samaritan woman at the well is a revealing one; it shows how Jesus tore down the walls of exclusion and that grace is for all.
Who are you playing for? Have you ever wondered if there's a better way to play? "Born to Play" suggests a way to raise your game.
A real-life take on the parable of the Good Samaritan. A thought provoking film by the Bible Society showing the power of genuine love and kindness.
Have you ever wondered what Jesus makes of the big issues: God, the World, and You? Watch "Life According to Jesus in 3,2,1" to find out!
Animated Christian video made by Christians in Sport. How can we use our talents and gifts in sport for good - to worship God?
All Hail King Bale? Is there really anyone who deserves this much glory? Watch this video to discover the real, eternal king.
Short Christian video - Olympic rower and double silver medallist Debbie Flood chats about her identity as an athlete and a follower of Jesus.
Powerful short video likening life's uncertainties with the unpredictable nature of the sea. What will see us through the storm?
Thought-provoking Christian video. Our words are our own invisible weapon: a force for good or bad. Will we build others up, or tear them down?
A humorous, vlog style video on finding 'the wonder' in everyday routine. A light-hearted reflection on how we speed through life.
Short Christian video - Adam Pengilly's story of disappointment at the Winter Olympics and how his Christian faith helped him get through it.
A powerful video by Christians in Sport with interviews from Debbie Flood, Linvoy Primus and Garin Jenkins.
Imagine having no one to talk to - Thought-provoking video showing how one conversation can make a big difference for the homeless.
This video explains how the incredible love story of Beauty and the Beast echoes another, a far greater love story; one that is not only true but also involves us all.
Short video exploring the majestic nature of lions. A great discussion starter helping people to think about what or who they follow!
In this Christian video, athlete Debbie Flood discusses her experiences competing in the Olympics and shares her faith story.
How a young man overcame addiction and discovered the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ.
What's on your bucket list? Out of all the 1001 fun things to do, what's the 1 essential thing you must do before you die?
What do you find in barren places? A thoughtshort video exploring our desire to 'connect' with something greater.
Do playmobil actors do all their own stunts? Find out in this brief look behind the scenes of the Martin Luther Playmobil animation.
Short video exploring the way each of us 'sees' the world uniquely. A great discussion starter on plausibility structures or worldviews.
Meet the Nativity, Episode 1 - A time-travelling romantic comedy in which 21st and 1st century Christmases magically collide.
Fast-paced Christian animation giving a snapshot of Israel's journey through the Old Testament - in just three and a half minutes!
This thought-provoking Christian video takes a fresh look at the Beatitudes, from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. What does it mean to be blessed?
Students share their own faith stories in this Christian video, as part of Durham University's Christian Union event: Story.
Love sport a bit too much? Watch "No Comparison" now to put things in perspective and remind yourself of the bigger picture...
Creative Christian animation showing the action-packed beginnings of the Early Church after Jesus, as found in the New Testament.
Jesus asks Peter ‘Who do you say I am?’. This Uncover video asks: Does it matter how people define us? Who are we? Who is Jesus?
This short evangelistic video explores themes of salvation through sacrifice in Avengers Infinity War, comparing it with the salvation of Jesus.
The World Cup is always an epic occasion, full of amazing moments. But what is the greatest event of all time?
Our hunger for love, significance, and happiness is a universal human experience. How can you live life to the full?
It's the ultimate question and the biggest mystery: what happened in the beginning? This thought-provoking Christian video explores some answers.
What if there was someone who showed they had power over disease, disaster and death? Would you listen to their answers about life's problems?