Download Category: Age

Under Construction: Episode 4

Ben is in danger! Bernie is attempting crazy stunts to try and stop Ben and Tommy from building. He needs to protect his workers, just as Nehemiah had to protect God’s people while their enemies were threatening them.

Under Construction: Episode 3

In the process of rebuilding, Bernie tries to help but he just makes a mess and destroys things. Nehemiah also faced different sorts of people on his team, yet he still knew that God would ensure that the work would be completed.

Under Construction: Episode 2

Ben and Tommy are worried that they won’t get the house done, because Bernie is trying to stop them! As they learn about Nehemiah, they hear of how he trusted that God would do what he promised - he just needed to trust and obey God.

Under Construction: Episode 1

Meet Ben the Builder and Tommy the Toolbox as they begin their adventure into rebuilding a whole house. They find out about Nehemiah’s plans to rebuild Jerusalem, and how he prayed to God for people to help them.

Christians In Training: Episode 11

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 10

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 9

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 8

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 7

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 6

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 5

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 4

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 3

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 2

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food. But Coach is determined to get his life on track by training him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin to live for him.

Christians In Training: Episode 1

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food. But Coach is determined to get his life on track by training him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin to live for him.

The Story of Genesis: Lot’s Choice

Lot moved to Sodom which had an impressive town and lots of green spaces. But Abraham didn't focus on what looked best. Instead, he trusted in what God had in store for him. Today, we can trust God and turn to him when making decisions by reading God's word in the Bible and praying.

The Story of Genesis: The Flood

The story of the Flood teaches us how S.I.N. makes God feel, how God punishes sin and how God provides a rescue for those who trust in him. Whenever we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember God's promise to rescue those who trust in him through Jesus!

The Story of Genesis: The Fall

The Fall is when S.I.N. came into the world. Sin is when we say 'Shove off God, I'm in charge, No to your rule.' In the garden, the man and woman lived happily in relationship with God - until the crafty serpent tempted them to eat fruit forbidden by God.

The Story of Genesis: Creation

Genesis means the "beginning". When the world began, God didn't need any ingredients or art supplies - there was nothing there. Instead, God created the world by speaking.

Don’t be Scared (Subtitled Version)

Are you heading back to school soon? Did you know that God promises to be with anyone who is trusting in him!

Jude’s Sunday Gang: Phlipping Marvellous Series Bundle

This 12-episode, ancient Rome-themed series effectively combines Horrible Histories-style humour and accessible gospel content to help children learn and rejoice in the Lord, and recall these truths for years to come.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 12

Romulus Ratus learns Paul's secret to being content, even when things go well for others or even when they don't go well for you. With Jesus' help, we can be happy with what we have, rather than envying others and grumbling.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 11

Instead of being united, Romulus Ratus and Epaphorditus argue about missing apple pies! Instead of worrying, we can rejoice and take all our worries to him in prayer.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 10

Postman Petros is a Roman citizen and he wants to return to his people and his family. In the same way, Christians are citizens of heaven and they belong to God's family. One day they will all be united together!

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 9

Postman Petros knows that he doesn't need to be the strongest or cleverest or fastest or bravest. Living for Jesus is about putting him and other Christians first, and he is willing to risk his life for Jesus.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 8

Aside from having good table manners, Epaphroditus lives for Jesus in all he does and honours God with how he treats people. That means he's a godly example for the Philippians Christians, just like Paul says in his letter.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 7

Postman Petros and Philippa help Romulus Ratus understand that Jesus wants us to shine like stars not because life is all about 'ME', but so he gets the glory! Grumbling puts 'ME' first, not Jesus.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 6

After Epaphroditus gets stuck in a cave, instead of being selfish Romulus Ratus goes back to rescue him! Knowing Jesus should change the way we live, because we can follow his example of putting others first.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 5

Postman Petros and Romulus Ratus meet Epaphoroditus, a Christian who can show them the way to Phil and Philippa's house, and is very excited to read Paul's letter!

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 4

Postman Petros is beginning to despair that he will ever escape prison, but Romulus Ratus reminds him what Paul's priorities were. Paul's life was all about Jesus and telling others about him.

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 3

Postman Petros is stuck in prison after being chased by the Roman guards! Take a closer look at Paul's letter - instead of being discouraged that he was locked up, Paul used the opportunity to tell the guards and prisoners about Jesus!

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 2

Postman Petros feels like giving up on his mission to deliver Paul's letter to the Philippians Christians. But Romulus Ratus knows where to look for encouragement - at the letter Postman Petros has from Paul!

Phlipping Marvellous: Episode 1

Meet Postman Petros and Romulus Ratus! Postman Pete has just arrived in Philippi to deliver a letter from Paul. Paul is in prison in Rome, so he should be sad but he is full of joy. Discover why...

Olympics 2020

The 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo bring together athletes from different ages, classes, race and countries. Sport gives us a wonderful picture of running the race of the Christian life alongside Jesus and knowing he has already secured our victory.

His Work Continues: The Church

When we gather together for teaching, prayer, community and remembering Jesus's death and resurrection, God's promise is that he will grow his church. How will you see his work continues?

His Work Continues: Message & Invitation

Followers of Jesus have believed his message and accepted his invitation. If you're not yet a follower of Jesus, having now heard his message, will you accept his invitation to follow him as Lord and receive the Spirit?

His Work Continues: The Holy Spirit Comes

How ready are you to speak up and speak out about Jesus? The same Holy Spirit from Acts is sent to live in every follower of Jesus, so God can work through us, and enables us to say the things that need to be said so people can be saved.

His Work Continues: Continue What Jesus Began

Jesus has left us with an important job to do: continue his work, by being his witnesses, while we wait for him to return from heaven. We're not alone: armed with the Bible and the Spirit, we have God's words and God's power.

His Work Continues: Waiting & Deciding

The most important decision is the decision to follow Jesus as Lord - or not. This is a decision should be made carefully, based on what God has said about Jesus, and prayerfully, asking him to help you to make the right choice.


Resolutions seem designed to show weakness. This poem explains Jesus kept his resolution to free us from failure as he cried “It is finished!”

Jude’s Sunday Gang: The Wisdom Lab Series Bundle

This 11-episode, lab-themed series introduces children to the books of Job, Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs, and gives a thorough, accessible overview of what they have to say about God and living wisely for him.

Jude’s Sunday Gang: JC Hospital Series Bundle

This 11-episode, hospital-themed series makes Jesus’ healing relevant and accessible and doesn’t shy away from the big questions children (and adults!) have about whether the miracles really happened, what we make of evil spirits, whether Jesus heals today and why God allows people to be ill.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 11

Doctor Folly is finally defeated by Stu Dent and Professor Wise in the Wisdom Lab! Being wise isn't about being clever and knowing lots, it's about being right with God and sticking with him even when times are hard.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 10

In God's Big Book of Wisdom, we see that when bad things happen, God hasn't abandoned us. In fact, he cares for us so much that he has always had a plan to destroy sin, pain, and death through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 9

Doctor Folly is jealous of Professor Wise and tries to get rid of all the praise she receives! The Pharisees tried a similar thing with Jesus on Palm Sunday. They tried to shush the crowd and stop them from cheering Jesus, God's special king.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 8

Doctor Folly mischievously tries to trap Stu Dent while Professor Wise is away! Sometimes we have people around us to rely on, but sometimes we don't. Whatever our situation, God is always looking after us.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 7

Doctor Folly has a problem! She can't work out what the point of life is: is it about having fun, working, going on holiday or eating food? We can trust God to help us through each day, whether they're good or bad.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 6

Stu Dent and Doctor Folly get into a spot of bother with some love potion! What does God's Big Book of Wisdom have to say about love and following our feelings? In the Song of Songs, we learn about God's love for us and how we should love other people.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 5

In today's video, Job loses something much more important than Stu Dent's forgotten science formula: everything he owned, his health and his family. God teaches Job and us that's it's easy to think we have all the answers and are in charge. But in reality, only God knows exactly why things happen as they do.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 4

The one place we can trust to find the truth is God's Big Book of Wisdom, which helps us unpack what's going on when we suffer, how sin fits in, whether we're being punished and where God is when things go wrong.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 3

Professor Wendy Wise and Stu Dent take a look at the book of Job in God's Big Book of Wisdom. Sometimes, even when we live God’s way, our life can be very hard. But Job shows us that God is good and worth following even when life is hard and bad things happen to us.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 2

Stu Dent, Doctor Folly and Professor Wendy Wise look at God's Big Book of Wisdom and see what it has to say about being lazy and working hard. God has designed us to work hard as well as rest in his world!

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 1

Meet Stu Dent, Doctor Folly and Professor Wendy Wise and join them on their quest for a wisdom formula! In God's Big Book of Wisdom, we learn that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).

JC Hospital: Episode 11

Jesus healed Bartimaeus so he could see, and instead of going off to celebrate after years of blindness and begging, he followed Jesus! That's a bit weird, isn't it? But Bartimaeus had now seen who Jesus was with his heart and his head. He wanted to follow his Saviour wherever he was going!

JC Hospital: Episode 10

Nurse Left learns a lot about what trusting those in charge looks like, just like the disciples do in our Bible story. They couldn't drive an evil spirit out of a boy because they hadn't prayed to God. But we can have confidence that God is always listening and loves to answer our prayers!

JC Hospital: Episode 9

Jesus healed the blind man in two stages, so he could see! But it’s possible to be able to see clearly but still be blind to who Jesus is. How can that be? Lots of people today only clearly see things that don’t really matter and won’t last forever. They miss that Jesus is God's Son!

JC Hospital: Episode 8

Jesus healed a man who couldn't hear OR speak so that he was better, and so he understood about Jesus in his heart! He was AMAZED because he knew Jesus was God’s son and he had power and authority from God.

JC Hospital: Episode 7

Death can be a scary thing to think about, but the truth is that we all die one day. But Jesus had power and compassion to bring other people back from the dead - and he didn't stay dead after he died on the cross for us either!

JC Hospital: Episode 6

Jesus had power and compassion to totally transform the man who was trapped by a scary evil spirit, so the man could be happy, free and follow Jesus! This is a picture of how Jesus frees us from our sin to follow him!

JC Hospital: Episode 5

The Pharisees were the goody two shoes of their day. But Jesus shows us that God’s law is about loving others and God, not obeying rules. We don't keep the rules perfectly or love God and others perfectly. But Jesus died for proud law-breakers like you and me so that we can be forgiven.

JC Hospital: Episode 4

Come and hear today's story about a paralysed man who came through a roof! But although the man was sick, what he needed more than anything else was to be forgiven and to have his insides or his soul fixed by Jesus.

JC Hospital: Episode 3

Jesus wasn't just powerful - he really cared about people. Jesus didn't just care about their broken bodies and sicknesses, he also cared about their insides or their souls, which were broken because of sin. That's why Jesus came to preach about forgiveness, as well as heal people!

JC Hospital: Episode 2

Jesus SHOCKED everyone when he chose to go and preach to different people, rather than stay and heal sick people. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be made better. But it's important we see that the most important thing to God is that we know and love him, not our own health, wealth or happiness.

JC Hospital: Episode 1

Come and meet Doctor Wright, Nurse Left and Consultant Klutz who work at JC Hospital - and Jesus, who has authority over everything! Jesus has power over every situation, could heal all sorts of people of all sorts of illnesses and he even has authority over the Devil and evil spirits because he is the Son of God.

Planet Earth II (Subtitled Version)

Have you ever wondered why the world is so incredible? Watch "Planet Earth" and find out why our home is so intricate, enormous and extravagant.

God Made Everything Series Bundle

Illustrated animation of days 1-7 of creation and the Fall for children aged 2-7 years old. Unpack how God made a beautiful and ordered world in days 1-7 of creation.

Tackling BIG Emotions with God

Our children are handling some big emotions: loneliness, fear, worry, confusion. They may be small, but the pressures on them can be huge. Let's teach our children to turn to God with these emotions, so he can tend to their troubled hearts.

Meals With Jesus Series Bundle

Meals with Jesus is a nine-episode children’s animated series that follows nine meals Jesus had with people in Luke’s gospel.

Meals with Jesus: With Zacchaeus

Jesus came to find and save lost sinners, like Zacchaeus, and welcome them into God's family. How amazing that Jesus wants to be friends with sinners!

Meals with Jesus: Lunch with Levi

Levi was a traitor with a big S.I.N. problem. He needed Jesus to change his heart. The Pharisees thought they were healthy, and didn't need Jesus. Just like Levi, when we trust that Jesus has saved us through his death on the cross, we can be forgiven.

Meals with Jesus: The Greatest Party Ever

One day, Jesus will throw the greatest party ever in heaven and it will be full of surprising guests, just like his parable. Jesus invites us, 'come on in to my party!' Will you say yes to Jesus' invitation?

Meals with Jesus: Supper in Emmaus

Two friends from Jerusalem had dinner with a mysterious man, who did something very familiar. When Jesus broke the bread, they recognised him for who he was!

Meals with Jesus: The Last Supper

Jesus and the disciples ate bread and drank wine to remember Jesus as the Lamb who died on the cross and took our punishment. Today, we call this meal the Lord's Supper or Communion to remember Jesus and look forward to our meal with Jesus in heaven!

Meals with Jesus: Best Seat in the House

Jesus went to a party where everyone thought they should have the best seat, so he told a story to show that following God is about loving him and putting others first.

Meals with Jesus: At Mary and Martha’s

When Jesus came for a meal, Martha rushed around cooking and cleaning - but Mary stopped everything to listen. Which sister did the right thing? Why is listening to Jesus so important?

Meals with Jesus: Big Picnic

Hungry people needed feeding and sick people needed healing! Jesus did something only God could do: he fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves and 2 fish and there were 12 baskets of leftovers!

Meals with Jesus: Supper at Simon’s

Simon, a respected church-goer, and a woman with a bad reputation both have a meal with Jesus. But only one understands that they are a sinner in need of a saviour - and only one thanks Jesus. Watch to discover who it is!

The Journey Series Bundle

Life is a journey. We have a starting point, we meet different people along the way, we might get lost and discover new things about ourselves and our world. But where will your journey finish? How will it end?

The Journey: Journey’s End

In episode 6, our journey draws to a close as we look at the Church and the promised New Creation. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.

The Journey: Crossing

In episode 5, we take a look at Jesus and the good news of his life, death and resurrection. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.

The Journey: Storm

In episode 4, our journey takes a turn for the worse as we look at the prophets and the exile of God’s people to Babylon. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.

The Journey: Stopover

In episode 3, we stop over to look at King David and the promises of perfect forever king and a perfect forever kingdom. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.

The Journey: Night Sky

In episode 2, we look at the great promise of blessing that God gave to Abraham. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.

The Journey: Wilderness

In episode 1, we begin with God’s good creation and our fall into brokenness. The Journey is an overview of the Bible from creation to new creation, produced by Video Bible Talks.

God Made Everything: Day 7 and the Fall

Watch how S.I.N. (Shove off God, I'm in charge, No to your rules) entered the world and God started his amazing rescue plan to send a serpent-crusher king!

God Made Everything: Day 6

Watch as God speaks animals into being and hear the child-friendly, simple explanation of the creation of Adam and Eve. On Day 6 of creation, the world was VERY good!

God Made Everything: Days 1-5

Watch the world appear out of nothing, as God speaks creation into being and covers earth with water, plants, lights, birds and sea creatures! Suitable for children 2-7 years.


Since the fall, we've been covering up. Can we be accepted? This video looks at how our sin is dealt with by God. Instead of trying to cover up our shame, we see in Jesus an offer of full acceptance.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is the most influential but also controversial person in history. He's been labelled a liar and lunatic, but what does Jesus have to say about himself? Ben unpacks John 8:48-59 to explore Jesus' claims and whether he is God.

How long, Lord?

A spoken word lament that honestly unpacks the rawness of grief and suffering, and then points to God who holds our fragile hearts, strengthens our stumbling faith and who died so we can live in hope now of an eternally perfect future.

Get Hyped About the Bible

The Bible isn't boring and irrelevant! It's full of exciting stories about heroes, villains, betrayal and the greatest king ever. It's been translated into hundreds of languages. And most importantly, it's how God speaks to us today.

A New Ticket

A modern, Pilgrim's Progress-style analogy of the cross' great exchange. On his journey through Town, Man loses his valuable ticket to a seat on an aeroplane that will take him far away. Who will pay the price for a new one?

8 Ways Jesus Treated Women

...and 8 ways we can do the same. In this 1 minute sound bite, Dan Marks takes us through 8 ways Jesus treated women by empowering, celebrating, protecting, honouring, respecting, valuing, teaching and confiding in them.

What is greatness?

Is there something more to greatness than what the celebrities, actors, athletes and politicians of this world tell us? Listen to what Jesus, the greatest one ever, said about true greatness.

Did Jesus really claim to be God?

Ben Clube helpfully and clearly unpacks 8 times Jesus made it clear he was God in both words and actions, and why it really matters. Excellent apologetics tool to answer seekers' assumptions and give Christians confidence that Jesus really is God.

Which God is the ‘right God’?

Throughout history and cultures, we have reached out for a god. But only God has already reached out to us in Jesus, and verified his deity with the resurrection. So which God is the 'right God'?

Who do you say I am?

The biggest con artist? A great man? Saviour? Donald Trump?! In Matthew 16:15, Jesus asks "But what about you? Who do you say I am?" Ben Clube takes to the streets of Colchester to answer this question and ask ordinary people who they say Jesus is.

How do I become a Christian?

It's as simple as A, B, C: Admit your sin, Believe Jesus is Lord, Commit your life to Jesus and live for him. There aren't any fancy rules or rituals, and you don't need to be good enough.

Northern Voices: Good News for the Lost

Hear everyday Christians from the North of England, like Brad, share their stories of how Jesus has changed them. Listen to Brad's challenging call for Christians to be more intentional about ministry and evangelism in the North.

Why I’m Still a Virgin

With honesty and warmth, Howie answers these two questions and unpacks just what sex is. Sex is more than just 2 people coming together in a physical act of intimacy. Sex, as God designed it, is the most powerful glue on the planet.