Download Tag: God

Have You Got ID? – Series Bundle

'Who am I?’ is one of the most important questions we can ever ask. To know that God created us and gave us our body, mind and soul gives us the freedom to live the life that He intends for us.

What Are You Thankful To God For?

Sweeties? Friends? A happy family? Remembering all the good gifts God has given us can help us say "thank you" to him! Why not use this video in a feature slot with your church family to praise and thank God together?

The Greatest Love

Creative video that mixes colourful illustrations, Easter elements and a thoughtful script to help all ages understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross to bridge the gap between our stain of sin and God's holiness. Ideal for celebrating God's love in action this Easter!

Mother’s Day

Thoughtful animation that acknowledges the emotions around Mother's Day: tension, sadness, joy and thankfulness for the women in our lives who have loved us.

The Four Loves

In the Bible, there are four different types of love: eros, storge, philia and agape. This Valentine's Day, learn the four types of love and how God's agape love is the best love of all!

God With Us

What makes Christmas a truly happy or merry time? What and why do we celebrate? Unpack three names given to the baby in the manger: "Christ", "Jesus" and "Immanuel" meaning 'God with us'. Merry Christmas!

Hope for a Hopeless World

Discover the Bible’s accurate diagnosis of our world’s brokenness, and the certainty of the hope God offers in Jesus. How hopeful are you feeling?

Exodus Bundle: Know the LORD

The Exodus series from Video Bible Talks is a six-video series of talks from the Old Testament Bible book of Exodus. This series takes us through the entire book of Exodus, with discussion questions to consider individually, or use as a part of your small group conversations.

Exodus Episode 5: The Problem Within

In this fifth video, we look at Exodus 32 and see how even though God’s people had been rescued from slavery in Egypt, they were still slaves to sin in their hearts.

Exodus Episode 4: The New Life God Gives

In this fourth video, we look at Exodus 18-31 and see how the new life God gives means living right with God and living right with other people. This new life is how life works best, and it is the life we get to live because of what the LORD has done for us.

Exodus Episode 2: Know The Lord

In this second video, we look at Exodus 5-11 and see how God wants His people to know him as the LORD God of salvation. He is a promise-keeping God, who wants to be close to His people. Those who reject God will come to know Him as the LORD God of judgement.

Exodus Episode 3: Through Death to Life

In this third video, we look at Exodus 12-17 and see how God is the LORD who makes a way where there is no other way, keeping us safe from our enemies and even making a way through death itself.

Exodus Episode 1: Worse Than Slavery

This first video explores Exodus 1-4, when God’s people were slaves in Egypt. They had forgotten the LORD as their God, but God promised to rescue them from slavery and restore their relationship with him as their God.

What Is Sin

Sin is often connoted to the really bad deeds, like murder or stealing. Yet we explore in this video that sin is really imperfection: missing the mark of God’s perfect standard for humankind.

Christ in all the Scriptures: Series Intro

A sermon or talk intro video for a teaching series on Jesus Christ in the Bible.

The Story of Genesis: God Keeps His Promises

Imagine having a baby when you're 100 years old! That's what happened to Abraham and Sarah, because God is powerful to keep his promises and gave them a son, even in their old age.

The Story of Genesis: God Cares

Sarah sent Ishamael and Hagar away but God promised to make Ishmael into a great nation and take care of him, even though he wasn't the promised son. Abraham trusted God, and God provided a safe place for them to live.

The Story of Genesis: God Provides

Imagine having to give up what is most precious to you! Could you do it? God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham obeyed, even though it was scary. But then God provided a sheep to be sacrificed instead. Because Abraham had not even withheld his only son from God, God gave him a BIG promise of many descendants and great blessing!

The Story of Genesis: God Guides

God sent a special sign to Abraham's servant to show that Rebecca was the right choice to be Isaac's wife! Isaac and Rebecca were married, and God's promises of a great nation began to be fulfilled! Today, we can look at God's word to guide us even when things are difficult.

The Story of Genesis: Deceiving

Jacob and Rebecca tricked Isaac into giving Jacob his blessing, instead of Esau. When we lie to each other, there are sad consequences. But amazingly, God is still able to work through people's sin to keep his promises.

The Story of Genesis: Trusting God

The night before Jacob met Esau, he wrestled with a mysterious man! The man gave Jacob a new name: 'Israel', which means 'to wrestle with God'. The struggle showed Jacob that he could trust God, even when it was scary!

The Story of Genesis: Jacob’s Dream

Jacob had a dream of a stairway to heaven filled with angels, with God at the top. God made the same 3 BIG promises he'd made to Abraham to Jacob of many descendants to fill the promised land, and enjoy great blessing.

Jesus is Risen!

In the last episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', Jesus rises from the dead! He has defeated death and we can come to him for forgiveness and eternal life, when we will know fully what it's like to be with Jesus.

Jesus Dies to Save Us

In the fifth episode of 'What was it like to be with Jesus?', we see that Jesus' death was all part of God's plan to save us from sin. We can say "sorry" to God and "thank you" to Jesus for rescuing us!

The Story of Genesis: God Calls Abraham

God made three BIG promises to Abraham to do with the promised land, lots of children, and great blessing. These promises were God's grace to those who didn't deserve it but were loved by God.

The Story of Genesis: Jacob is Deceived

Laban tricked Jacob the same way Jacob tricked Esau. But despite Laban's lies and deceit, God looked after Jacob and his family. God's plans are much bigger than human plans so nothing can get in the way of him keeping his promises.

Under Construction: Episode 8

Ben helps Bernie out by reading the instruction manual to assemble a cement mixer. God’s people in Jerusalem listened for hours to God’s Word, so they returned to living in the way that God instructs.

Under Construction: Episode 7

Before Ben properly moves into his new home, he counts up all of his possessions to make sure he has everything he needs (and throws out anything he doesn’t need).

Under Construction: Episode 5

Arguments are breaking out in Ben’s construction site - what will he do to keep the peace? When Nehemiah’s team faced internal quarrelling, he had to remind them of God’s goodness and provision up to that point.

Under Construction: Episode 4

Ben is in danger! Bernie is attempting crazy stunts to try and stop Ben and Tommy from building. He needs to protect his workers, just as Nehemiah had to protect God’s people while their enemies were threatening them.

Christians In Training: Episode 11

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 10

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 9

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 8

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 7

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 6

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 5

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 4

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 3

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food, but Coach is determined to train him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin.

Christians In Training: Episode 2

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food. But Coach is determined to get his life on track by training him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin to live for him.

Christians In Training: Episode 1

Ivor Wheezychest is a bit of a slob - he hates exercise and only eats fast food. But Coach is determined to get his life on track by training him for the great sports tournament! This child-accessible analogy helps kids grasp how Jesus frees us from sin to live for him.

The Story of Genesis: Lot’s Choice

Lot moved to Sodom which had an impressive town and lots of green spaces. But Abraham didn't focus on what looked best. Instead, he trusted in what God had in store for him. Today, we can trust God and turn to him when making decisions by reading God's word in the Bible and praying.

The Story of Genesis: The Flood

The story of the Flood teaches us how S.I.N. makes God feel, how God punishes sin and how God provides a rescue for those who trust in him. Whenever we see a rainbow in the sky, we can remember God's promise to rescue those who trust in him through Jesus!

The Story of Genesis: The Fall

The Fall is when S.I.N. came into the world. Sin is when we say 'Shove off God, I'm in charge, No to your rule.' In the garden, the man and woman lived happily in relationship with God - until the crafty serpent tempted them to eat fruit forbidden by God.

The Story of Genesis: Creation

Genesis means the "beginning". When the world began, God didn't need any ingredients or art supplies - there was nothing there. Instead, God created the world by speaking.

His Work Continues: The Church

When we gather together for teaching, prayer, community and remembering Jesus's death and resurrection, God's promise is that he will grow his church. How will you see his work continues?

His Work Continues: Message & Invitation

Followers of Jesus have believed his message and accepted his invitation. If you're not yet a follower of Jesus, having now heard his message, will you accept his invitation to follow him as Lord and receive the Spirit?

His Work Continues: The Holy Spirit Comes

How ready are you to speak up and speak out about Jesus? The same Holy Spirit from Acts is sent to live in every follower of Jesus, so God can work through us, and enables us to say the things that need to be said so people can be saved.

His Work Continues: Continue What Jesus Began

Jesus has left us with an important job to do: continue his work, by being his witnesses, while we wait for him to return from heaven. We're not alone: armed with the Bible and the Spirit, we have God's words and God's power.

His Work Continues: Waiting & Deciding

The most important decision is the decision to follow Jesus as Lord - or not. This is a decision should be made carefully, based on what God has said about Jesus, and prayerfully, asking him to help you to make the right choice.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 11

Doctor Folly is finally defeated by Stu Dent and Professor Wise in the Wisdom Lab! Being wise isn't about being clever and knowing lots, it's about being right with God and sticking with him even when times are hard.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 9

Doctor Folly is jealous of Professor Wise and tries to get rid of all the praise she receives! The Pharisees tried a similar thing with Jesus on Palm Sunday. They tried to shush the crowd and stop them from cheering Jesus, God's special king.

The Wisdom Lab: Episode 4

The one place we can trust to find the truth is God's Big Book of Wisdom, which helps us unpack what's going on when we suffer, how sin fits in, whether we're being punished and where God is when things go wrong.

JC Hospital: Episode 10

Nurse Left learns a lot about what trusting those in charge looks like, just like the disciples do in our Bible story. They couldn't drive an evil spirit out of a boy because they hadn't prayed to God. But we can have confidence that God is always listening and loves to answer our prayers!

JC Hospital: Episode 5

The Pharisees were the goody two shoes of their day. But Jesus shows us that God’s law is about loving others and God, not obeying rules. We don't keep the rules perfectly or love God and others perfectly. But Jesus died for proud law-breakers like you and me so that we can be forgiven.

Meals with Jesus: With Zacchaeus

Jesus came to find and save lost sinners, like Zacchaeus, and welcome them into God's family. How amazing that Jesus wants to be friends with sinners!

Meals with Jesus: Lunch with Levi

Levi was a traitor with a big S.I.N. problem. He needed Jesus to change his heart. The Pharisees thought they were healthy, and didn't need Jesus. Just like Levi, when we trust that Jesus has saved us through his death on the cross, we can be forgiven.

Meals with Jesus: Best Seat in the House

Jesus went to a party where everyone thought they should have the best seat, so he told a story to show that following God is about loving him and putting others first.

God Made Everything: Day 7 and the Fall

Watch how S.I.N. (Shove off God, I'm in charge, No to your rules) entered the world and God started his amazing rescue plan to send a serpent-crusher king!

God Made Everything: Day 6

Watch as God speaks animals into being and hear the child-friendly, simple explanation of the creation of Adam and Eve. On Day 6 of creation, the world was VERY good!

God Made Everything: Days 1-5

Watch the world appear out of nothing, as God speaks creation into being and covers earth with water, plants, lights, birds and sea creatures! Suitable for children 2-7 years.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is the most influential but also controversial person in history. He's been labelled a liar and lunatic, but what does Jesus have to say about himself? Ben unpacks John 8:48-59 to explore Jesus' claims and whether he is God.

How long, Lord?

A spoken word lament that honestly unpacks the rawness of grief and suffering, and then points to God who holds our fragile hearts, strengthens our stumbling faith and who died so we can live in hope now of an eternally perfect future.

Get Hyped About the Bible

The Bible isn't boring and irrelevant! It's full of exciting stories about heroes, villains, betrayal and the greatest king ever. It's been translated into hundreds of languages. And most importantly, it's how God speaks to us today.

Cancel Culture

Both God and cancel culture take wrong things said or done seriously. But where cancel culture leaves no room for mistakes, repentance, forgiveness or grace, God does.

8 Ways Jesus Treated Women

...and 8 ways we can do the same. In this 1 minute sound bite, Dan Marks takes us through 8 ways Jesus treated women by empowering, celebrating, protecting, honouring, respecting, valuing, teaching and confiding in them.

Which God is the ‘right God’?

Throughout history and cultures, we have reached out for a god. But only God has already reached out to us in Jesus, and verified his deity with the resurrection. So which God is the 'right God'?

Northern Voices: Professional Rugby League Player

Jamie Jones Buchanan was a professional rugby league player. Watch his journey to faith and how it transformed rugby, family and winning for him.

I Will Never Leave You

To the people who’ve reached their end, there is someone who will never let go of you, never stop fighting for you, and never give up on you.

Where is Your God?

Where is your God? - here's an answer to this familiar question through a contemporary reflection on Psalm 42's repeated refrain.


"Sport will fade away and be a distant memory," says Garin Jenkins, Welsh rugby star. Watch this video to find out why this doesn't worry him.

The Man Upstairs

Is God just a bad tempered old man living in the sky? That wouldn't be good news! Watch "The Man Upstairs" to discover how God describes himself.

No Comparison

Love sport a bit too much? Watch "No Comparison" now to put things in perspective and remind yourself of the bigger picture...

Jesus Is Closer Than You Imagine

We can't see Jesus now, but he's not far away. Be encouraged by Jesus' promise that he is with his people always, to the very end of the age.

God’s Love Never Fails

Whether the dog ate their homework or they feel on top of the world, this creative video unpacks Lamentations 3:22-23 to practically encourage kids in their daily walk with God.

Adam’s Story of Satisfaction

Short Christian testimony video about how a satisfying relationship with God makes all the difference, both now and in the life to come.

Naomi’s Story of Satisfaction

Short Christian testimony video about trusting God’s loving purposes in emotional and physical struggles.

The Coming

Animation set to R.S. Thomas' advent poem 'The Coming', this Christmas video is a fresh exploration of what happened that first Christmas, when God the Father sent his only Son into his beautiful but broken creation.

Servant Song

Are joy and peace beyond our reach? "Servant Song" meditates on how Jesus's life, death and resurrection bring life and hope to our brokenness.

Amazing Grace Poem

Beautiful spoken word poem that unpacks what God’s grace means: the release from the burden of earning approval, the relief of no longer doing it my way, a tender invitation to surrender.

Hope Poem

Infinitely more powerful than our wishes and dreams, God’s hope welcomes outsiders in and provides a secure foundation for weary souls.

Poem – Love Like That

Powerful spoken word poem that reels off all the ways Jesus has loved us, and leaves us challenged to follow his self-sacrificial example.

Part 2, Resurrection

From heartbreak to joy three days later, witness the realisation of Jesus’ certain victory through Peter’s eyes. Jesus went from fully perfect to fully broken so we could be fully fixed and forgiven, forever.

Part 1, Denial

Witness the emotional turmoil of events before Easter Sunday through the man who watched from the sidelines. Spoken word by Dai Woolridge from the perspective of Peter.

It’s All About Grace

Celebrate God’s unending grace to us in Jesus and the relief that we can’t earn his love by being good or praying or going to church - it’s a free gift!

Mother’s Day (Subtitled version)

Thoughtful animation with easy-to-read subtitles that acknowledges the emotions around Mother's Day: tension, sadness, joy and thankfulness for the women in our lives who have loved us.

Do Not Worry

The lockdown ‘Do Nots’ might feel confining, but the Bible’s ‘Do Nots’ are liberating.

Do Not Fear

Have you noticed that we can be less scared depending on who we’re with? The Bible tells us that the Almighty God is with us - always.

Do Not Be Anxious

Another lockdown, 2 millennia ago: what does the apostle Paul write from prison? ‘Do not be anxious. Pray and receive God’s peace.’

The First Love

The last year has seen love in action like no other - but we're not lovely all the time. How did God love unlovely people? He gave up his only Son and loved us - first.

The First Love (Valentine’s)

Where does love come from? Why do we love at all? This Valentine’s watch the greatest love story ever written.